So if we feel full of faith and very little fear, we're saved. I like that. I can agree with that.
Thanks Judy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Rikk Watts on Genesis 1

You are either lost or saved by faith which the gift of God.  The world runs on fear.  Both fear and faith
are equal in the spiritual dimension - the one you feed will dominate your life.  Choose ye this day who
you will serve.  jt
On Sun, 15 May 2005 16:26:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My weight is not the problem.  It's my height.   Am I hell bound for spending that $250 on my model car?   In a little while,   I am going in a take a nap.   Should I be in ministry somewhere instead?  I could live without the sleep.   I got angry with my younger boy, yesterday.   Probably still angry when I went to bed last night.   Lost or saved?    I am an addict.   I come to the Lord and want to be what He wants me to be.    But it is going to take some time.   Lost or saved?  
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 15 May 2005 12:42:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Rikk Watts on Genesis 1

Are you dieting again?

Is gluttony a sin? 
-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 15 May 2005 08:14:08 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Rikk Watts on Genesis 1



   Are fat Christians save
Just as with a rich man, all things  are possible in Christ.


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