DaveH wrote:
> Apparently many TTers want me to teach LDS theology on
> TT, yet some wish to criticize me for complying with their wishes.
> Seems like a no win situation, eh Lance.

Let me clarify yet again what TruthTalk is all about and Dave Hansen's 
situation in regards to this forum.

TruthTalk is meant to be a forum where people from different religions and 
different backgrounds can share their beliefs and teachings with the rest of 
us.  We, in turn, can judge what they teach and examine it.  We can raise 
objections or questions concerning what is being said.  The goal is learning 
and getting a better undertanding of both what we believe and what others 

Dave Hansen is LDS Mormon and he has as much right here as anybody else to 
teach or post his views.  In like manner, his teachings will be examined and 
questioned by others.  This is the nature of the forum.  I would not say 
that it is a "no win situation" just because a person's viewpoint is 
criticized in this forum.  If you share your views, expect some examination 
and perhaps criticism if someone thinks that the viewpoint deserves such.

Now in regards to the question of why DaveH is here.  I have read both Dave 
and Perry's exchange on this, and personally I find Dave's reasons for being 
here consistent.  He has an interest in knowing what Protestants believe and 
why.  He interacts with us, and in doing so, is questioned about his 
beliefs.  He responds to such questions in a way that he is comfortable. 
Often the exchange hits a dead end, and some TruthTalk members get 
frustrated with that (me included), but I don't think that means that his 
reasons for being here are not being stated properly.  Some have interpreted 
him to be implying that he wants to become a Protestant if he hears good 
answers for what Protestants believe, but I have never understood him that 
way.  He is simply curious and has an academic interest in what motivates us 
and what makes us who we are.  I'm sure Christians not affiliated with a 
major institution seems very strange to him.  His life is centered around an 
institution of authority.  That is the kind of structure he is use to and is 
comfortable with.  Many of us reject such institutions.  I think Dave is 
still trying to understand why and how this is.  I suspect it would be 
easier for him to understand us if we were all Roman Catholic.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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