Lance wrote:
> Please read my post one more time. Tell me what
> it is that you believe I'm saying to you and, asking
> of you.

Be careful in telling Lance what you believe he is saying to you, Judy.  We 
all saw how John interpreted such action on my part as misquoting him or 
misrepresenting him, setting up for more acrimony and striving over vain 
words.  I can only hope Lance would not do such things, though he does seem 
to side squarely with John in this weird theology they have about the 
Incarnation that makes the Law of God something cursed and evil.  Wow, even 
Gary argued that God is a sinner based upon this reasoning, and he placed 
everyone under the curse of the law REGARDLESS OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST! 
Truly incredible.  You have done a very good job in making your case with 
John, causing John and Gary to articulate their beliefs in such a way that 
the absurdity of it becomes very apparent.  You have exposed the depravity 
of this theology to which they cling in a most clear way.  I have found your 
writings most inspiring and well reasoned.  You defend the gospel and faith 
in Christ very well.  As a result of your writing, the grace of Christ is 
magnified, and we see the beauty and awesome work of the cross to transform 
us without works of the law into the very image of Christ to which the law 
points us all.  Well done, faithful servant of the Most High!

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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