DAVEH:  I'm not exactly sure of your question, Lance.....But as I view it, the position of many TTers is analogous to the Jews of Bible times.  In the OT, Scripture gave them a perception of God to which the staunchly held.  So firm in their convictions (as are many TTers), they had trouble acknowledging the Lord when he finally appeared....why....because he was more like them than they expected I suppose.  Nor did they buy into additional Scripture being added to Canon, which is another similarity shared by TTers.  Many also failed to accept new commandments or recognize the NT prophets, rather stubbornly holding fast to the eye for an eye prophets of the past.

    So.....is there really much difference between the closed minds of the Jews of the Bible in contrast to the way many TTers are receptive to anything outside what they believe Scripture offers?

Lance Muir wrote:
Who are your teachers? What are their authorities? What 'teaching' concerning the nature/gospel of God issues from these teachers and their teaching sources? Just how 'ultimate' IYO is the James 1 experience?
IMO that which transpires herein (TT) is somewhat comparable to the 1st and, early centuries between the various factions who set out to answer such questions as those concerning the canon of Scripture and, the nature of the Person of Christ.
IMO there exists sufficient similarity between the Christ believed/lived/preached on the part of the 'camp' of the non-Mormons for them/us to be identified with the historic 'orthodox' wing of Christianity. The Mormon 'camp', having taken on board supplementary 'scriptures' and, a new line of 'prophets' commencing with Joseph Smith, cannot but fall within a 'non-orthodox' wing of Christianity.
Other than reversing my designations of orthodox/non-orthodox, just how might you disagree with what I've said? I should much like to hear from Dave and Blaine, along with any 'lurkers' on this.


Dave Hansen
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