As far as the holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth,
Please see my previous posts on illumination
If the foundation is corrupt then goeth the rest.
The W&H text is hopelessly corrupt on the face of it. This is prima facae evidence against the Critical text. Just look, on it's face multiple handwritings, multiple corrections, missing sections, missing verses, multiple erasings  No need to delve deeper. I see nothing pure about such a text.
Here is the evidence.

Prov 30 Verse 5 "Every Word of God is PURE"

I ask again would your bank accept a check with multiple handwritings, overwritings, deletions and insertions?
I accept other translations based on the PURE text the TR
BUT sometimes there is hanky panky going on such as the NKJV which claims to be a slight updating of the language and is not.  They lie that "NKJV makes the KJV even better" It contains the corrupt readings of the Critical text in many places. Someone is trying to slip someone a Mickey!
Thomas Nelson Co. that is SELLING this, I wonder why they change 2 Co 2:17 form "For we are not as many, which corrupt the Word of God...." 
(CORRUPT changed to Peddling)
There were (Bible Perverts) corrupters of the word, in Paul's day, in the garden & they still exist today!
Jer 23:36 ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin wrote:
> The Word of God is recorded in the Bible that we
> may know what is required of us and that we might
> DO IT!

The Bible is not the sole witness of what is required of us, Kevin. Jesus
promised us the Spirit, not the Bible. Please try to remember that.
Teaching a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit is not
contrary to the Bible.

Let me ask you this question. Suppose we just cut out the last chapter of
Mark out of the KJV Bible? Would that book that now has error in it because
some of it was removed still be able to be used to share Christ and help
cause people to receive the Spirit and know what is required of them and
what they should do?

Let me ask you another question. Suppose a man believes upon the Lord
through the preaching of the Word of God, but he has no Bible? The man
lives a year without any Bible at all, but he prays and seeks to do what is
right before the Lord. Frequently other men come and preach and teach to
him the truth of God, but the man still has never read the Bible. He relies
upon information he receives from those preachers and teachers who walk in
the Truth and have the Word of God written on their hearts. By faith and
the Spirit this man also receives the Word of God written upon his heart by
a work of God. Would you think that such a man could not be saved because
he has no Bible based upon the Received Text?

Kevin wrote:
> Well obviously those that do not speak ENGLISH would
> have a Bible that is based on the Recieved text.

What do you think of modern versions that are based upon the Received Text,
such as Jay Green's Literal Translation and the Modern King James Version
(please do not confuse the MKJV with the New King James Version)? See for more information on the MKJV.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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