If the shoe fits, Judy.....  if the shoe fits.  I am quite sure you ahve used the word 'liberal" on this forum.   But that is not important, is it?  
-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Cc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:36:43 -0400
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

Don't believe I've ever used the word "liberal" on TT JD.  I am into truth vs error rather than liberal vs
whatever... and what's this with the angst?  Where did that come from?  jt
On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 18:58:42 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Have you read Eph 5:18-20.   Think "imbibe."   And why would you waste everyone's time rejecting such an observation.    You do  not fight liberalism  --  you guys just fight against anything you didn't make up.  Nearly everything I believe is accepted by our friends as BSF while you pretend that you are onto something really big in fight'en those dirty ol' liberals.   You got Deegan all alone up there in the North, wishing that he had paid more attention in his English comprehension class  --   Izzy  there in St Louis pretending that she really understands what is going on and David pretending that he is the one who cast's the larger shadow  (with the Lord's help, of course.) 
Why not drop all this ankst and get on with the discussion.   I will if you will.   It is up to you all.    Be our example and we (I am sure) will follow suit. 

From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If one goes around imbibing spiritual atmospheres where is spiritual discernment?  The animal kingdom are
the ones who are led by instinct.  Human beings need to learn and God makes sure we are taught to know
the voice of the Shepherd.  jt
On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 16:12:14 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Are we ALL as predictable as you, Judy? Given this I'm not sure why you don't just have two 'repeater' words: 'Amen' for David (by extension, Christine), Izzie& Kevin. 'Nein' for all of the rest of us. The time you could save, Judy!
On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 07:48:10 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Worship shapes our spirituality
"...our spirituality is usually shaped more by the experience of communal worship than it is by preaching and teaching....the way we think about God and relate to God is influenced enormously by our experience of God in communal worship..Songs are especially formative. We are far more likely to find ourselves humming something we sang in church when we go home than we are to find ourselves meditating on a phrase in the sermon..(not one of yours, of course)..
jt: I would disagree with the above statement Lance - Is it yours?  Actually spirituality shapes worship rather than vice-versa because true worship depends upon a correct heart attitude and we do not enter God's presence just any old way - We must properly prepare ourselves to worship.. And God does not accept all of it.  He spoke through the prophet Amos and told the Israel of that day that their feasts and worship times literally made him want to vomit ... He also spoke through the prophet Isaiah about a crowd who were pretty pleased with themselves and these descended into sheol rejoicing.
Christian philosopher and scientist Michael Polanyi spoke of knowledge that we simply absorb by a kind of 'osmosis' without even realizing that we have done so. This is what he refers to as 'tacit knowledge' Most Christians simply imbibe a theology through the way that they worship.
jt:  This is not the way anyone is to learn let alone Christians. This is how the animals perform (by instinct).  Humans must be taught, we have been given a mind so that we can think and God will reveal Himself to whomsoever He will. The only ones who imbibe should be drunks.
.theology springs from right worship but theology also, in turn, guides and ensures right worship.There is a circular relationship between the two as healthy worship and theology support each other....how theology can guide the kind of worship that in turn shapes people spirituality.
jt: Just like your little trinitarian dance, round and round and round we go...

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