Lance wrote:
> I, for one, do not blame such as yourself, who choose
> the 'broad road' that leadeth to fellowshipping with 'non-sinners'.
> What was it again that Jesus was criticized for?
> With whom was he hanging out?

Let's make one thing clear.  Jesus did not have fellowship with sinners.  I 
have been criticized many times for being friends with homosexuals, 
fornicators, drunkards, drug addicts, prison convicts, etc.  I have even 
been "disfellowshipped" for having homosexuals in my Bible studies. 
Nevertheless, I have never had fellowship with these sinners while they were 
still in their sin.

Jesus was criticized for ministering to sinners, not for having fellowship 
with them.  Every sinner who came to Jesus was told by Jesus to go and sin 
no more.  Why?  Sinners cannot have fellowship with Jesus.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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