The disciples were learning by doing with a limited understanding - Things changed after Pentecost when they
received the Promise.  Look at the difference in Peter - We begin there so God's Word should no longer be a mystery to us whether we are walking in every bit of it or not.  My point is that the Word of God does not change.  We do. The scripture you gave is about more mature ppl not judging those who have just come out of paganism over meat and drink; it does not validate meat sacrificed to idols.  We grow in grace as we walk in what God has revealed to us and only as we build on the right foundation.  jt
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 13:09:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Not exactly.   I do not include our (read: my)  doctrinal statements with the "Word of God."   I do believe that when we think we know something, we do not yet know it as we ought.   I also believe that God can and does work great good in His people in spite of the fact that might be thinking poorly on issues.   A good example of that is the work of ministry Christ entertained with the 12.    Growth was being accomplished all along, curing His earthly ministry, in spite of the fact that their understanding and teaching was off based so much of the time.  What He said could be called the "Word of God."   What they understood often not have that same characterization.  

Let me make sure I'm on the same page here.
JD is saying that our "doctrinal statement" which for me is God's Word should not be as if written in stone.
You Izzy if I am understanding correctly are saying that WE grow in Christ and are more perfected each new day.
Is this what you are saying??  jt
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 09:35:39 -0500 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Good thought, JD.  It is the normal walk for a Believer that we are growing in Christ and His Word each new day?being more and more perfected.  Izzy

It has occurred to me that if we speak and write with the view in mind that we at the beginning of another day of learning,  our hearts and minds will be more open to what God has instore.  Perhaps our doctrinal statements should not be "as if written n stone.'   But reflective of the growth that will begin again with the start of a new day. 
We would do less fighting and more growing. 
That is what I Cor 8:1-3 is saying,   ----   is it not?  Paul is surely NOT against knowing but knowing that is final, a closed systems of knowledge.  

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