Let the prophet answer:
"The traditional Christ of whom they speak is NOT the Christ of whom I speak."  Gordon B.Hinckley – LDS Prophet, Revelator & Seer
How can two walk together except they be agreed Amos 3:3

Gentlemen: (Blaine, DaveH and lurkers) How could one ask for more 'proof' than this? Will you actually respond? No bullhorn here! He (Kevin) apparently did 'do the math'.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 21, 2005 07:14
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Belief

I don't recall seeing much of that on TT.
You don't remember seeing:
He was creator of Satan NOT his brother
He always existed not procreated
He was the only true God who became a man (God manifest in the flesh), NOT the man who became a god
He was the ONE True God, NOT one of millions of gods
Begotten of the Holy Ghost, not of a union of a god & his goddess Mutha
Jesus is to be WORSHIPPED & prayed to
His atoning death on the CROSS cleanses from ALL sins, NOT just to open the door and NOT in the garden.
The CROSS is to be preached, NOT to be disdained
Jesus was Born in Bethlehem NOT Jerusalem
ONE in Trinity, NOT three gods, NOT one in "purpose"
Immortal, NOT a Mortal fallen man 
I think you missed hundreds of posts check your folders they are filling up your HD!

The Mormon Jesus

LITERAL son of a god and his goddess wife; NOT the Holy Spirit - MD p547,742; JoDv1 p51
The brother of all spirits born in heaven - MD 192,589,281; Gospel Principles p9
Was a married POLYGAMIST - JoD v1 p346, v2 p210
One of 3 gods in the godhead - MD p576
The Trinity is three separate gods - TPJS p370
Had a beginning - MD p250 HoC v6 p305

A MORTAL, FALLEN, MAN who progressed, became god - MD p129,321,751 DC 93:12-14,21

Atoned for sin on the cross AND the garden of Gethsemene - Gospel Principles p58 1978ed
Was born in Jerusalem - Tribe of Benjamin - BoM: Alma 7:9,10 Josh 18:21-28
Is the Brother of Lucifer - Gospel Principles p15, Moses 5:17;JoD v6 p207
Jesus' sacrifice not able to cleanse from all sins - JoD v3,p 247, 2Nep2:26,25:23, MD p92
There is no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith as a prophet of God - D of S: v 1. 188
LDS Jesus a created being. Yet the BoM Title Page says "Jesus is the Christ the Eternal God"

"The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak." Gordon B.Hinckley – LDS Prophet, Revelator & Seer


The Real Biblical Jesus

Not literal son of a god & his goddess wife. Born of the Holy Spirit - LK 1:34; MT 1:20; Is 7:14

Not the brother of all spirits born in heaven - Col 1:16
Was Not married and did not have wives - Rev 21:9; Ep 5:23
Not "one of 3 gods" in the GODHEAD - Rm 3:30; 1 Co 8:4; Gal 3:20; 1Tim 2:5
The TRINITY is 3 persons in one God - Col 1:15,2:9; Heb 1:3; Gen 1;26
ETERNAL : NO Beginning or End - JN 1:1; IS 9:6; JN 8:58; Hb 13:8

ETERNAL, IMMORTAL, SINLESS God -> became flesh - PH 2:6; JN1:1,14; 2Co5:21; 1Tim 3:16

ATONED for all sin on the cross alone - Col 2:14; HB 9:12,28; 10:12,14
Was born in Bethlehem : Tribe of Judah - Micah 5:2; MT 2:5; Rev 5:5
Jesus is Not the brother of Lucifer - Col 1:16; EZ 28:15
His atoning death on the CROSS was able to CLEANSE ALL SINS - 1 JN 1:7; RM 10:4
Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE - JN 11:25; 14:6; Ep 4:21

The Bible’s Jesus is PRAYED TO - Acts 7:55-60; Zech 13:9 with 1 Cor. 1:1-2

The Bible’s Jesus is WORSHIPPED - Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; 28:9; JN 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6

The Bible’s Jesus is called GOD - JN 1:1; 20:28; Heb. 1:8; Titus 2:13; 2Pt 1:1; Is 7:14

The Bible's Jesus is the Creator of ALL things, NOT a created Being! Col 1:16 Eph 3:9

Jesus  "there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we MUST be SAVED." Acts 4:12

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH: You've got that a bit backwards, Perry. The onus is on you to
prove (explain might be a better word) your Jesus.....I don't recall
seeing much of that on TT.....other than he created the world, was born
of a virgin, died and was resurrected.....all of which I believe. Is
there more you (TTers) want to say about your belief about Jesus?

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

> Dave,
> I think you are right. You are entitled to your jesus, and the onus
> is on us to prove him to not be the same as our Jesus. I feel we have
> done that. Repeatedly. But, you do not accept our evidence, and I
> suppose short of having a vision, you never will.
> You have not said our Jesus is a false jesus because, since you say
> you beleive in the same Jesus we believe in, that would be like
> shooting yourself in the foot.
> Perry
>> From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Belief
>> Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 21:55:30 -0700
>> DAVEH: Logically, the onus is not upon me to define the Jesus I
>> believe in, but rather it is on the person who suggests I don't
>> believe in Jesus. FTR....I have not said that the Jesus Kevin, you
>> Perry or any other TTer believes in is a false Jesus.
>> Lance Muir wrote:
>>> DaveH says "Kevin, I believe in Jesus." IFF we are going to engage
>>> in a conversation that entails reality, then we have to continue to
>>> build upon that which has been said previously.According to you THE
>>> WITHIN MORMON TEACHING. Is this so? The Jesus believed in by Kevin,
>>> Perry, Lance et al is a false Jesus. Is this not also so? (unwieldy
>>> but, you get my point)What, IYO, are the eternal consequenses for
>>> non-Mormons? Mr. Moderator:Please grant DaveH the opportunity of
>>> fully answering and, explaining.
>>> DAVEH: FTR Kevin, I believe in Jesus. Therefore can we conclude
>>> that you've made the judgment rather than God?

Dave Hansen
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