DAVEH:   Dang....I wish you hadn't truncated the previous post....now I've got to dig it out to respond.    :-)

 The Mormon church tries to maintain 12 apostles, which I see as 
contrary to the New Testament.

DAVEH:  The Church maintains a quorum of 12.  However, there are at least 3 other apostles beyond that quorum of 12.  IOW....The total number of apostles is not fixed at 12.

 It fails to recognize the distinctive nature 
of the twelve apostles in Scripture and their eternal governmental position, 

DAVEH:  The original apostles do hold special consideration in LDS theology.  At the same time (well, after Jesus' resurrection) 12 special disciples were chosen in the America's similar to the 12 apostles in the Holy Land.  However, the second set of disciples were never referred to as apostles as were the original apostles. Also...we consider Peter, James and John of the original apostles to special significance in the eternal realm.  Much of that is covered in the Temple ceremony, and I don't wish to elaborate for reasons I think you understand.

    I also think that the definition of apostle can vary to describe several paradigms.

and it fails to recognize the continuation of apostles beyond 12 as 
exemplified by men like Paul, Barnabas, Silas, etc.

DAVEH:   We do recognize the additional apostles of the Bible.   I believe they were replacements for the apostles who were killed.  The problem became one of replacing them as fast as they were being eliminated, with travel and communication being a bit slower than what we are used to today. 

David Miller wrote:
DaveH wrote:
> Your above three assumptions are incorrect.
I would appreciate some clarification.  Your church's establishment of 12 apostles always seems to have bothered me as being something that preys upon the unlearned.  If I have misunderstood it, please instruct me about it.  Thanks.
Peace be with you.
David Miller.

Dave Hansen
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