Jer But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.

Did JT say he was a "willing servant of Satan"? Are you saying JT "HATES" DH, she is unloving? I do not think JT or anyone here questions DH's sincerity!!!!
Paul did not question the sincerity or zealousness of his people the Jews, just their KNOWledge of the TRUTH!
RM 10 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
He then proceeds Verse 3 to call them IGNORANT the root of IGNORAMUS! Be a nice Christian Paul stop calling names. Why not get mad at Paul he was a name caller, JT did not call DH a name did she?
Someone once said, Am I become your enemy because I tell you the TRUTH?
I'm sorry I do not think JT is "looking for excuses to disparage" anymore than Paul was, just standing up for what she believes in.
Are you preaching TOLERANCE? "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." G K Chesterton
I can see somewhat how you FEEL but see this as the first step down the slippery slope into the abyss of heresy or at least luke warm feel good Christianity. Remember there are NO Heresies in a DEAD Faith.
Are you preaching always be positive, be nice?
How does one obey the command to REPROVE & REBUKE while yet being positive. I would say that correction of Error is in itself positive, loving and Charitable. Those that hate Rebuke are Brutes & will die proverbs 12:1 & 15:10
The word of God is given for Reproof, Correction and instruction. 2 Tim 3:16
Cultivating Truth requires the Rooting out of Error, this is not a pleasant process especially to weeds.
Prov 15:10 Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
Is this not just an underhanded attempt at Compromise rather than Truth? Lets have unity at the expense of truth, pass the poison PLEASE! Confederacy with error is INFIDELITY to God!
Do as your conscience demands, be a nice polite christian like JD I intend to FIGHT the GOOD FIGHT of FAITH!

By entertaining of strange persons, men sometimes entertain angels unawares: but by entertaining of strange doctrines, many have entertained devils unaware.-- John Flavel

"Before I preach love, mercy, and grace, I must preach sin, Law, and judgement." -John Wesley
"From the Liberality which says that everybody is right; from the Charity which forbids to say that anybody is wrong; from the Peace which is bought at the expense of Truth; may the good Lord deliver us" (J.C. Ryle).
"On all hands we hear cries for unity in this and unity in that; but in our mind the main need of this age is not compromise but conscientiousness. ‘First pure, then peaceable...’ It is easy to cry, ‘A confederacy,’ but that union that is not based on the truth of God is rather a conspiracy than a communion. Charity by all means: but honesty also. Love of course, but love to God as well as love to men, and love of truth as well as love of union. It is exceedingly difficult in these times to preserve one’s fidelity before God and one’s fraternity among men. Should not the former be preferred to the latter if both cannot be maintained? We think so" (C.H. Spurgeon).

The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a theological wilderness. A.W. Tozer
Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin, it was, in my opinion, mean to cast Dave as a dispenser of spiritual poison and it was mean to suggest that I would approve of it if he did.  Dave is usually on the learning end of these discussions.  He seldom tries to teach, and when he does, he is teaching what he honestly believes, just as we all are.  To me, there is a vast difference between being in error because of what you have been taught and being a willing servant of Satan.  My whole point of my original post was that we need to stop the sarcasm, adopt the mind of Christ, then love and pray for folks who may be in error rather than look for excuses to disparage them.  I know after three years what he believes, just as I know what the others here believe.  I have decided to love you all anyway.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
What exactly did JT do that was "mean"? Other than disagree.
So to disagree with you is mean and uncalled for?

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Give me a little credit, Judy.  I suggested that you follow his example of being courteous and respectful.  Your comment was mean and uncalled for. You know better.

Judy Taylor wrote:
Let's get real here Terry ... Satan comes as an angel of light - so are you saying that it's OK to dispense
spiritual poison so long as one is nice, polite, and dosen't offend anyone?  That is how all cults begin....
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 16:07:52 -0500 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Stay tuned.  Maybe you can learn from observing others, possibly Dave Hansen.  ==========================================================

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:33:59 -0500 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I think we could start by being graceful, showing grace rather than sarcasm, being more concerned about loving our neighbor or our enemy than we are about pointing out errors in what they believe.  I am not suggesting that you adopt their position or that you compromise what you believe. 
I agree with you about the sarcasm Terry - however the above kind of grace could also be perceived as "being patronizing" especially since it is not possible to give anyone a hug or a glass of cold water.
I am saying that if you cannot agree, consider that they are being sincere even if they are in error, and with that in mind, very politely ask questions that will help them understand better as well as help you understand them better. 
I don't know how to do that Terry - I think Izzy is much better at it than me but sometimes her questions are
misunderstood and she is accused or less than godly motives.  What's wrong with believing the best of ppl
and questioning and examining doctrine?
Try to remember that your opinion and three dollars will get you a whopper at Burger King.  Do not over estimate the value of your contribution to the conversation.  You do not have to jump on every word someone else speaks, and when you do, it simply creates a situation where everyone digs in their heels and butts heads and everyone ends up defending their position instead of trying to understand what the other guy is trying to say. 
FWIW in this group I don't believe there can be a conversation without some butting of heads. What is believing one thing in the heart and speaking something else out of the mouth called again?  It's either butt heads or be silent.
Jesus, Peter and Paul spoke a great deal about loving others.  They said very little about winning a debate.
For what it's worth.  Terry
I don't know about all that Terry.  Peter and Paul didn't always agree and Paul and Barnabus parted ways over
John Mark - and these are just the few instances we know about .... Nothing wrong with honest discussion so
far as I'm concerned and some communication is better than none.

Judy Taylor wrote:
We are all proudly proclaiming how right we are, but to claim that we are doing it in love would be a bald faced lie.  The fault does not lie with you alone as I have been as guilty as anyone, and it is not only the fault of the Fundies as the Libs can be just as mean spirited as well.
How would you say one is to love over the internet Terry?



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