Hypothetical arguments may be useful in logic and science, but when it comes to religion I prefer reality to hypotheticals. That is why it is a pure waste pf time.

From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Humanity of Jesus
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 22:42:28 -0700

DAVEH: I find that an interesting response, Perry. Why do you think it is *a pure waste of time* to consider what God wanted, and Lucifer frustrated? Extrapolating that logic, it would be a waste of time for folks to talk about becoming perfect as commanded by the Lord.

Perry wrote:
What is the purpose of this conjecture? Adam and Eve fell, so it is *a pure waste of time* to conjecture otherwise.

Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2005 08:31:18 -0700

DAVEH: No. But I think you must have missed the beginning of my questions to Terry. I started with the premise of what would have happened IF A&E had not transgressed in the first place. I assume you believe there would have been people who had sinned as well as those who had not sinned. My curiosity is about what you folks think would have been the pertinence of Jesus coming to the earth to those who had not sinned.

Judy Taylor wrote:

*jt: Dave do you know of anyone other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself - who never sinned? judyt* On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 22:28:07 -0700 Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

    *Jesus loved me enough to die for me.  God's love does not appear
    to be based on numbers.*

    DAVEH:  I fully agree.  However, I was trying to explore a bit
    further what you believe about how Jesus' sacrifice is pertinent
    to anybody who had never sinned.

    Terry Clifton wrote:

Boy! I hate it when people force me to think on my time off. It's hard enough to do it on the job.
    There are those who do not sin and still die.  They are called
    fetuses by those who murder them, unborn children by those who
    would rather they live.  There is no way that they can sin in
    thought or deed, yet they die, so sin brought death to all.
    I believe that had I been the only sinner on earth, *Jesus loved
    me enough to die for me.  God's love does not appear to be based
    on numbers.*  One fact, one opinion.  You would have very little
    trouble arguing against the opinion.  The fact is self evident.

    Dave wrote:

    DAVEH:  Assuming that some would not have sinned....would all
who did not sin live forever, and those who did sin would die? And...what effect would Jesus' sacrifice be to those who did not
    sin?  IOW....would Jesus have given his life for the sinners
    only, and the others would not have need of anything from Jesus?

    Terry Clifton wrote:

    Dave wrote:

    DAVEH:  I'm curious.   What do you folks believe would have
    happened if A&E had not fallen?  Would their children have
    been perfect, or could some have sinned while others remained
    without sin?  And what effect would that have had on the world?


    Since we all have free will to obey or disobey, any human from
    Adam on could choose to sin.  As slick as the devil is and as
    stupid as people are, I think it;s safe to assume that  all
    would have sinned.  The world today would not be much different.

Dave Hansen
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