You are absolutely right, Dave. Your religion is ambiguous and confusing. If you go completely by what JS said, you will at the same times have to ignore the erroneaous and heretical claims he made (or just flat out deny them in spite of the testimony of your fellow mormons), or follow the heretical doctrines he invented. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perry & Dave: inquiring minds want to know
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 00:29:18 -0700

DAVEH: I find it interesting that at times TTers accuse me of ignoring what JS said, and at other times I am accused of believing what JS said. As I see it, no matter what I say or believe.....there are going to be some TTers who just won't be happy!

ShieldsFamily wrote:

You forget, Terry, that mormons ignore what the Bible says for what JSmith says. iz



Hate to butt in here folks, but if memory serves me correctly, the Bible teaches us to always be ready to give an answer for what we believe.


Dave Hansen wrote:

DAVEH: Nor has my implied answer been clear to you. I've previously said I would not discuss our Temple ceremonies, nor do I want to discuss LDS theology with anti-Mormons. Did you not understand that I consider it futile to *due business* with an anti-Mormon? As I see it, anti-Mormons are not seeking truth, they are seeking to attack.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:


  Perhaps my question has not been clear...

  What does "Pay Lay Ale" mean?

If we are going to *do business *your way than lay your cards face up on the table.


Dave Hansen
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