----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/6/2005 8:40:34 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] What counsel would you offer?

They both claim to be Christians now, and to have been Christians when they committed adultery and left their spouses for each other because they were unhappy and decided to make each other their spouses instead.  They claim they have repented and everything is now okay because of that because it is all “under the blood”.  How exactly do they “start fresh”?  Repent and stay married? I only ask because I have no idea what they should do.  Just wondering what God would want them to do.  izzy


cd: If they were Christians (which I doubt) then not only did they sin by breaking God's covenant and  sin against their first spouse and  sin against their own flesh-why have they not repented by stopping the unlawful relationship? There is missing a lawful reason to abandon the first spouse (I realize that this is sounding legalistic but how can one honor an legal contract with God and receive the grace offered and just forget about the requirements of the legal binding contract?) Their claim to first love of God while in the first relationship is a breaking of the first contract with Christ and the contract with the first spouse is equal to falling away and there is not more sacrifice for that type of sin. All one can do is make it right by confession of sin and stopping the sin-as I see it-God decides the rest of the accountably as he see fit. Their claim of love for the existing spouse is a effort to get symphony from you to justifly their actions. All sodomites do this as well as a fornicating church goer I know. The fault is not in love but rather in the forbidding sexual act or dwelling upon the sexual act. Their claim to the first Christian brotherhood binds them to accountability. Hope this helps-next time try a easy question - like how many quacking quakers live on the dark side of the moon:-)


 cd: Can a adulterer be a Christian?So were they Christians?Can one continue in sin and be a Christian-after the Holy Spirit's instructions about sin? Time for them to leave the church and they never belonged to. Solution: Have them repent/confess the sin recieve Christ -by living by his words-and start fresh.


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