Thanks for defining Torah for me.  I was thinking Talmud.
I see no logical problem in my thinking.  She is committing adultery every time because even though her husband has grounds for divorce for adultery, he has not divorced her.  She tried to divorce him on a ground that is not recognized by God.  She is still married to the first man.

David Miller wrote:
Terry wrote:
Sorry David, but I do not know squat about torah.  Most of what I know, I know from studying the Bible.

The Torah is the first five books of the Bible.  I hope you do not think that I am talking about the Talmud.  When I mention the Torah, I am talking about what Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy teach.

Terry wrote:
Since the divorce of my imaginary couple was not for sexual sin, God does not recognize the divorce and the woman is still bound to her first, her real, husband.  She sins every time she has sex with one who is not her husband, just as surely as a thief sins every time he steals.

Aren't you overlooking an important fact here?  As soon as the man had sex with his new wife, adultery took place.  Therefore, the proper grounds for divorce that you think needs to be there now exists.  This woman may now divorce and remarry, according to your perspective, right?  (I'm not trying to convince you that divorce is now great in God's eyes, but rather I am trying to show you a logical problem in your thinking, hoping that you discard your present interpretation.)

Peace be with you.
David Miller.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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