The above will give an opposing opinion to Kevin's thinking.
Know this  -   that the KJV in its original state included the Apocrypha  -  which remains in the RCC bible.  The primary text of the KJV was created by a Roman Catholic named Erasmus and much of his work was based on the Latin Vulgate and NOT on a critical review of the Greek text of the day.  
Textual criticism is extremely important because of the variations that Kevin, in part, refers to.   That the KJ text  (textus receptus) is in some agreement with the versions of the day  (i.e. Vulgate) is of no surprise since Erasmus used these versions to create his greek text  --  and did it in record time  --   about 20 weeks of work went into the text that was the basis for the KJV.  
Anyway  -  corruption of the greek text abounds and the need for scholarly review is well established. 
Enough said. 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 23:51:16 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] corrector/revisor

All of this is from the web, written by KJVonlyists  -   a little known and small wing of the Christian movement that believes the KJV ------------  the translation itself   --   is inspired.  They reject textual criticism or textual comparisons,  believing, instead, that the succession of biblical evidence came to an end with the last original documents of scripture  (perhaps John's writing of Revelations) .    The King James VERSION of the Bible IS THE WORD OF GOD for modern man   --   that is the cry of these cultists.  
They refuse to answer question about how the KJV came into being because such answers  put them in a box from which there is no escape.    They insist on moral standards that deny God's ability to work through profane men to accomplish His purposes.   They make fun of those who ask questions about verbal/plenary inspiration when, in point of fact, they deny such occasion themselves.  They neither understand or recognize God as a providential provider.   And many if not most, deny the eternal Sonship of Christ.  
Linda  --  you are not going to believe anything I might say  --  so my advice to you is to talk to two or three pastor friends of yours.   Very few   --  extremely few by comparison  --   Christians believe in this cultish notion.   And most pastors accept at  least the NASV.   I study from the NASV.   I memorize from the NKJV.   My devotional times are often spent in the New Living Bible.  
If you decide to limit yourself to the KJV  --  well,  it is truly a grand translation  -   just not the only really good translation.    But talk to your pastors about that. 

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