And Lance dances on Q

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To David Miller:
What BJ (Bishop John) said herein is that which I was getting at re: your visit to 'the campus'. I suspect you already know that as we've spoken of it previously. 
IMO, this 'conversation' falls into the same category as so many 'exchanges' do on TT. Persons just share polarized opinions of a matter whilst imbedding their comments (I'm not referring to you here, John) with inflammatory language. I once employed the subject 'my theology can beat up your theology'. Much of TT is comprised of 'schoolyard' language.
On the other hand, 'G' possesses the 'gift of concision' ; Bill is an exegete/theologian of the first order, the 'bishop' exemplifies thoughtful passion, while 'the David' illustrates the limitations of an extremely smart/talented self-taught person. (Too bad we've lost the likes of Jonathan, Caroline & Debbie) 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: November 24, 2005 00:31
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!


----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/22/2005 6:43:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!

ALL I DID WAS ASK A QUESTION?  Do you know what a "question" is Dean?   Do you know what a question is not?   I don't think so.  
I could care less about your explanation on the use of Mormon underwear.  It makes your ministry look ignorant and ACCOMPLISHES NO GOOD WHATSOEVER for the cause of Christ.   You do so much more harm than any fantasized good and that is probably the reason why so few churches support this kind of street preaching.   In fact,  not a single church here in Fresno or the surrounding area supports this kind of "preaching."    But of course, they are all wrong and you and smudge mouth are right.   Go figure. 
cd: This type of preaching has caused fear to fall upon the hearer and lead many to repentance and Christ and salvation    nonsense, Dean.   I am not talking about preaching the gospel of Christ  --   I am talking about underwear and associated mindless chatter.   You want to get tough and preach in their face --  be my guest.   But when you defend insulting and demeaning tactics, underwear waving and the like  --  you are not talking to someone who is ever going to believe you.   To think that you believe that you can accomplish  good by insulting strangers is almost humorous.                          -How is that not good-it has bore the fruit thereof-We have converted Homos-come out and preach to homo with us-We have converted Mormons come out and preach to other Mormons? You are judging too quickly John. Jesus used old testament examples so I will use one-nay two.  Isaiah 58 "Cry aloud,spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet,and shew my people their transgressions,and the house of Jacob their sins."God said to do this-I have done so-You tell me it is wrong.  When the prophets of Baal were calling fire from heaven in 1 Kings 18:26-27. v27" And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them..." This is of God John-slow down and listen lest you find yourself fighting against God. 
I am not against street preaching, per se.   But there is simply no biblical example of a NT preacher or evangelist who was "in your face"  except on occasion.   The norm is  -  in terms of biblical example  -  is quite different. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Moore <>
Sent: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 18:15:08 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/21/2005 11:00:27 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!

Just asking  -------   who said anything about being drunk?   I mean, you guys wave men's underwear around , so why not chew.  Whatever. 
cd: You had mentioned me "sobering up" before- I don't chew tobacco-And the Mormons claim that their underwear is Holy-a sign of their royal Melchizedek Priesthood which is worn under their clothing as we are not worthy to view these holy objects-They are easy to obtain for the local pawn shops as many are getting rid of them. We hold them up and declare that true holiness is to live by the gospel of Christ which is an inner cleanliness not an outer cleanliness. The Mormons have to leave them on even while taking a bath-They slide them to one side and wash one half of their bodies at a time.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Moore <>
Sent: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 19:51:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!

cd: No I did not have a wad of chew and I am not drunk-Have you not heard of edification to the brethren?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/21/2005 11:05:30 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!

I'm in the house to get some coffee and off to the shop  --  but,  who is Dean in the video?   The  guy with the hat, who looks like he has  a wad of chew?   Nothing wrong with that, by the way.    Apparently most believing perichoresis types also chew !!  But is that Dean? 
Bye for now.   
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 21:58:11 -0800
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!

DAVEH:  Thank you for sharing that, Kevin.  After watching Dean preach, I do not understand why he claims not to protest Mormonism.  Seems to me that is exactly what he was doing.  Do you disagree?

    BTW.........I rather like the tag line, as it speaks volumes:   Real Christians behave like Christians.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Have you ever protested at an LDS Conference in SLC, or at the site of an LDS Temple or chapel?  If not....would you do so?  If so, then you would meet the one of the criteria of being an anti-Mormon as LDS folks have coined it.  If you haven't done any of those things (or others that mig ht qualify you for that label), then perhaps I owe you an apology, Dean.
Dean is FEATURED on this ANTI-CHRISTIAN site.
What EXACTLY is he saying that is wrong here?
Allen L. Wyatt, "Anti-Mormon Protesters at the April 2003 LDS General Conference," (Mesa, Arizona: FAIR, April 2003) In this short video clip, an anti-Mormon protester at the April 2003 General Conference shouts his opinions about the Book of Mormon, drowning out nearby missionaries trying to sing hymns. Another protester waves temple garments at passersby.

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DaveH, please let me dissuade you from the false assumption that being called "anti-mormon" by mormons bothers anyone any more than being called a "homophobe" by sodomites.  It only makes the name-caller feel better, but falls on the ground beyond that.  iz

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dave
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Another darn Questionere!
DAVEH:   I can only view you from my perspective, Dean.   And my perspective is that I believe The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's True Church

    Have you ever protested at an LDS Conference in SLC, or at the site of an LDS Temple or chapel?  If not....would you do so?  If so, then you would meet the one of the criteria of being an anti-Morm on as & lt; SPAN class=correction id="">LDS
folks have coined it.  If you haven't done any of those things (or others that mig ht qualify you for that label), then perhaps I owe you an apology, Dean.

Dean Moore wrote:

Dean Moore wrote:
 cd: Dave satisfy my curiosity. As I answered your questions here
DAVEH:   Yes, and I thank you for that, Dean.  Because of that I'll be happy to reciprocate, even though you are an anti-Mormon.

cd: I would be helpful if you viewed me as anti-sin, pro-God, anti-antiChrist:-) As I am not focused on just the Mormon cult but all cults and false teachings-this you will learn if you pay attention. Labels only lead to misunderstanding of others and confuses their beliefs.

--   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.

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