> So where's the truth?  Judy posted a pretty compelling
> argument that was diametrically opposed to DavidM's
> comments.   Which is correct?

All you have to do, Dave, is read more history from both sides.  What you 
find is that many people spin the facts however they want to spin it.  The 
article Judy shared is way off the chart in spin against Calvin.  It ignores 
important facts, and spins known facts ascribing motive to Calvin that is 
unwarranted.  For example, yes, Servetus read Calvin's Institutes and gave 
Calvin a copy of it all marked up with his criticisms.  The article tries to 
spin this fact into Calvin getting personally upset with such and that he 
was filled with a vile anger and hatred toward Servetus for his criticism. 
The truth is that Calvin worked and worked to try and help Servetus correct 
his errors, but Servetus was uncooperative.  Servetus challenges Calvin to a 
debate but then does not show up for his own debate?  Come on.  Servetus 
does not engage Calvin, but rather publishes his criticisms without Calvin's 
response?  There is a lot more to the story to consider than personal 
vindictiveness.  Get all the facts for yourself and make up your own mind. 
Still, we will all approach the subject with certain assumptions.

If I had time, I would go through and point out all the falsehoods and the 
false assumptions in that article that Judy shared.  They are readily 
apparent to me based upon my past reading on the subject, but I don't have a 
lot of time right now.  Read Schaff for yourself, and Foxe's Book of 
Martyrs.  I think they will help provide a more balanced perspective on the 
issue.  Also go to the sources that Schaff references.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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