Blaine, the resident TT astrologer says, " and the sunstone with the round-faced image of god". Is god's face round like the sun? Does the sun have a face like god's? Does god have a literal face? Are god and the sun the same that anyone should combine them in an image? Can you say "Sun worship"? "Graven Images"?

"When the suuuuuun is in the seventh house...and Ju-pi-terrrrr aligns with Mars.....Peeeeaaaace will guide the pla-a-nuts, and loooove will guide the stars, this is the dawning of the age of aquarius, the age of aguarius...aquaaaaaaaariuuuus...aquaaaaaaaariiiuuus".

Gee, that was fun. I haven't sung that since Pluto was in the doghouse.

Blaine, can you explain what the age of aquarius is, if we are now in the age of aquarius, and how that squares with your mormon beliefs, or how it does not?

Do you believe Nostradamus to be an authentic prognosticator of the future? What evidence do you have of the truth of his prophecies?


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Blaine Autumn equinox Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 21:44:19 EST

Blainerb:  Sounds more like some of Joseph  Smith's tom-foolery!  He was
famous for saying ridiculous things for a laugh! Once while the Nauvoo temple was being built, and the sunstone with the round-faced image of God carved on it was about to be put into place, someone asked if that was what God looked
like.  He replied that it was,  except his nose was just a smidgeon wider!
Both he and the man who asked the question got a good laugh! Where is your
sense of humor, Kevin?

In a message dated 12/7/2005 9:14:07 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

Joe was an Occultist who sacrificed  animals

Kevin Deegan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The angel appeared on September 22 every year four years in a row. None of
the  other dates corresponded to Trumpets.

It had more to do with being a observer of SIGNS in the  heavens. Jo was an
Astrologer who did all his "work" on days of Occult and Astrologic significance
Pagans observe the "holy day" of the Autumn Equinox on the date  in 1827
also. The "angel" of light had appeared on the night of the Autumnal equinox,
between midnight and dawn--hours auspicious  for a magical invocation

In what follows most Mormons will not find a story with which they are
familiar. Instead, they will discover that Joseph Smith evidently participated
extensively in magical  pursuits and that he shared with others of his
contemporaries a magic world view of the world. For myself, I have found that the
'official  version' of early Mormon history is sometimes incomplete in its
presentation and evaluation of evidence, and therefore inaccurate in certain respects." (Early Mormonism and the Magic World View, Introduction, Quinn pages

In discussing the discovery of the Book of Mormon,  Quinn notes that Smith
prayed to be guided to the plates for three years in succession on the autumnal
equinox. On September  21, 1823, for example, Smith prayed under the full
moon on a Sunday night that was ruled by his own ruling planet, Jupiter. The hours of his prayer and vision were ruled by planets and the moon, making the time particularly propitious for the summoning of and communing with a good spirit. (Smith also owned a talisman which had the magic seal of Jupiter and
the Latin words "Confirmo O Deus potentissimus" on one side, and  the
astrological symbol for Jupiter, Jupiter's magic number (136), and a magic table in
Hebrew lettering that added up to 136 on the other side.)
Review of Early Mormonism and the Magic World View D. MICHAEL QUINN

Joseph Smith, jun. was born December 23,  1805 during the first Decan of
Capricorn whose ruling planet is Jupiter, which is also the governing planet for
the year  1805.
Dr. Durham director of the LDS Institute of  Religion at the University of
Utah as well as president of the Mormon History Association "...The purpose of
the Table of Jupiter is  talismanic magic [sic] was to be able to call upon
the celestial intelligences assigned to the particular talisman to assist one
in all endeavors. The names of the deities...  who could be invoked by the
Table were always written on the tailsman or represented by various numbers; three such names were written on Joseph Smith's talisman... Abbah, Father; El
Ab, Father is God; and Josiphiel,  Johovah speaks for God... When properly
invoked, with  Jupiter being very powerful and ruling in the heavens, these
intelligences by the power of ancient magic guaranteed to the possessor of this tailsman to gain of riches and favor and power and love and peace and to confirm
honors and dignities and councils.  Tailsmanic magic further declared that
any one who worked skillfully with this Jupiter table would obtain the power of stimulating anyone to offer their love to the possessor of the talisman..."

Dabbling in the occult, Smith  apprenticed with a man described as "a
peripatetic magician, conjurer and fortuneteller," from whom he learned the era's
folk concepts of  crystal gazing, divining rods, seer stones, and  rituals
associated with treasure hunting. He advised others in their pursuits, once instructing a neighbor he could locate buried money on his property by slitting the
throat of a black  sheep and leading it in a circle on the  land.
Increasingly ridiculed as a necromancer and money digger, Smith kept details of his continuing revelations to himself, confiding only in his parents, siblings, and, by early 1827, in young Emma Hale, with whom he had eloped. All the while he patiently awaited an order from the angel Moroni that it was time to retrieve
the golden  book.
It was an auspicious night for communing  with spirits, according to the
astrological handbooks of the day. "Jews throughout the world celebrated the Feast of Trumpets, which initiates the Days of Awe," or Rosh Hashanah, academic
journals  later noted in an attempt to seek association between Smith and
Judaism. Almanacs published near Smith's home reported the date was "both the autumnal equinox and a new moon, an excellent time to commence new projects." A publication in nearby Canandaigua reported "the moon was also in Libra, when
one should 'Delve and  Dig.' "
The twenty-one-year-old Smith dressed himself in  black, then borrowed a
black horse and sleigh for the ride to the hill of  Cumorah. He had been
"commanded to go on the 22d day of September 1827 at 2 o'clock," Smith's sister later
American Massacre: The Tragedy At  Mountain Meadows, September 1857 Denton

NOTE The Greater Key of Solomon, page 122,  says that "Sometimes white
animals are sacrificed to the good Spirits and  black to the evil."

Richard L. Anderson Brigham Young University Studies, Spring 1970, page 294
The  Professor quotes the following from M. Wilford Poulson's notes of  a
conversation with Wallace Miner: "I once asked Stafford if Smith did steal a sheep from him. He said no, not exactly. He said, he did miss a black sheep, but soon Joseph came and admitted he took it for sacrifice but he was willing to
work for it. He made  wooden sap buckets to fully pay for it."

C. R. Stafford testified concerning the same  incident: "Jo Smith, the
prophet, told my uncle, William Stafford, he wanted a fat, black sheep. He said he wanted to cut its throat and make it walk in a circle three times around and
it would prevent a pot of money from leaving." (Naked Truths  About
Mormonism, January 1888, page 3)


Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 9:10  PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Emailing:  sda.htm

You forgot to  put LOL after your comment--surely you were jesting!!   :>)

The angel appeared on September 22 every year four years in a row. None of
the  other dates corresponded to Trumpets.

Hey did you  know the appearance of Elijah to JS and Oliver C. was on 16
Nisan? It was The Day of the Lord--he was crucified on Friday, 14 Nisan. That
combination happens very seldom.   The Jews have been  predicting Elijah's
appearance on the
Passover (14  Nisan) for centuries--16 Nisan is very close, but not right
on..  If  the devil was in it, as you say, would he not have used 14 Nisan
instead  of 16 Nisan?


In a message  dated 12/5/2005 12:55:47 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

The devil knew,  Blaine.  He’s such a cunning fake.  iz


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marlin  halverson
Sent: Monday,  December 05, 2005 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Emailing:  sda.htm

----- Original  Message -----


BTW, I am  partially inclined to agree with you that all has not been
fulfilled--the gold plates were first delivered to the Prophet JS on the day of the Feast of Trumpets. JS never pointed this out--not sure he even knew it--but
it is  true.   Check it  out--September 22, 1827.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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