. . . and since I am already branded the heretic by you .. Oh well!!
It is I who called you a heretic, Judy: that is correct. But you branded yourself with your continued linking of me to the "Church Fathers." The truth is you had ample opportunity to recognize the validity of my rebuttal, before actually being labeled, thus having plenting of time to relent. But rather than do that, you intesified the rhetoric, several more times attaching both John and myself to the Church fathers, even picking up on my use of the term "patristics," adding it to your assault. If you do like the label, then please cease with the ad hominem arguments, attaching me to the fathers and dismissing my comments on the basis of that association; for when you do that, you are employing a fallacious form of argumentation.
Judy, I am asking you to please address the content of my statements. Rebut them if you wish -- with Scripture or whatever other source you would like to use -- but leave the attacks and attachments out of it. Do this and you will find that the brand was not deep enough to scar and will soon heal over. If you're as right as you think you are, your arguments will stand sans the fallacies.
Thank you,

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