As to your last question  --  you know that I do not believe  that one must be right right to be saved.   I fear that the answer to your question is what you believe. 
The gospel you express on this site is the produce of a very different paradigm than mine.   Not that I am right  -  but simply that we are most different. 
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> John wrote:
> > If you sin and do not repent, for whatever
> > reason, will that single sin place you in hell.
> Not true, John. I cannot believe that you would argue such a point.
> John wrote:
> > You speak of rebuking and hell muhc more
> > ofter than I, of course.
> That's because Jesus spoke of rebuking and hell much more often than you do.
> John wrote:
> > Surely we would not check the same boxes
> > on whatever test !! LOL
> IMO, you overestimate our differences. If our differences are as severe as
> you make them out to be, then it would impossible for us both to be saved.
> Is that what you believe?
> David Miller
> ----- Original Mes sage -----
> To: ;
> Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 4:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Differences
> See below
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> John wrote:
> Lance asked about the difference between the Christ of DM and JT and some
> others on this forum. There is so much confusion that one scarsely knows
> where to begin. Perhaps the best way to say it is this: they believe in a
> Christ of Law and grace and others believe in a Christ of Spirit and grace.
> The former insists that obedience is the path to God, ala the Old Law --
> and the others believe that obedience is a response to the Indwelling -
> an indwelling that cannot possibly miss His mark because He has become a
> part of the ontology of the saint.
> John, the only confu sion on this is in your mind. No matter how many times
> I tell you what I believe, you prefer to believe falsely about me. You are
> not even close to characterizing how I believe. Just because I do not
> believe that the law has been done away, as per the teaching of Jesus, but
> rather that it is the covenant of law that has been made obsolete by the
> sacrifice of Christ, does not mean that I believe that obedience is the path
> to God ala the Old Law. I'm not aware of anyone on TruthTalk right now who
> thinks that way. Slade did, who you got along with just fine because of his
> hippy era liberal bent, but he is not here anymore. If you gave me a
> multiple choice test, I would check the same box you would, that obedience
> is a response to the Indwelling. I also would check the box for a Christ of
> Spirit and grace. Your antinomian bias has confused you concerning what I
> believe.
> If you sin and do not repent, for whatever reason, will that single sin
> place you in hell. You speak of rebuking and hell muhc more ofter than I,
> of course. Surely we would not check the same boxes on whatever test !!
> I do have to ask you, however, that when you say, "an indwelling that cannot
> possibly miss the mark because He has become a part of the ontology of the
> saint," are you claiming an ontological infallibility for yourself simply
> because you are a Christian?
> I am acknowledging God's guarantee to complete the task He has initiated
> within me. If He has become a part of who I am, ontologically, then how
> can I be lost apart from an outright rebellion to his presense? With that
> in mind, I will answer your question in a single word, "Yes."
> David Miller.
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .org ;
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Differences
> I am sure I agree --- but I do not dismiss the relational impact (whether
> positive or negative) of those on this site.
> When I came to this forum, I was a supporter of David M, typically
> conservative (for lack of a better term) and an oft defender of Judy Taylor.
> And what have I learned? That few on this site have a clue as to the
> meaning of "liberal." ........................ that some on this site
> place concepts (their concepts which they confuse with divine concpet) as
> more important than continuing relationships.
> Lance asked about the difference between the Christ of DM and JT and some
> others on this forum. There is so much confusion that one scarsely knows
> where to begin. Perhaps the best way to say it is this: they believe in a
> Christ of Law and grace and others believe in a Christ of Spirit and grace.
> The former insists that obedience is the path to God, ala the Old Law --
> and the others believe that obedience is a response to the Indwelling -
> an indwelling that cannot possibly miss His mark because He has become a
> part of the ontology of the saint.
> That is how I see the difference.
> jd
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:;
> Sent: 1/11/2006 7:59:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry
> How Kevin treats someone who is willing to listen to him for an extended
> period of time has little to do with the way he treats those on this forum
> with whom he disagrees.
> > jd
> cd: What I am trying to say is that there is more to Kevin than what you
> have seen.
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Taylor
> To:
> Sent: 1/10/2006 1:02:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormonism & Freemasonry
> I have had several encounters with SPs over the years, Dean. And I have
> observed Kevin's approach to ministry here on TT, not to mention others who
> have drifted in and out over the last couple of years. And so, I will be the
> first to admit to a limited experience. Yes, I hung around and listened on
> more than one occasion, as I was curious to see the kinds of reactions their
> preaching provoked. And no, it didn't seem to me that they ever really got
> to the Gospel. "Christ," it seemed, was b ut a segue to the soul of their
> message: "Repent, or be damn!"
> Having said that, I am opened to having misjudged Street Preachers as a
> whole, by the few I have encountered. That is why I am open to meeting you
> in N.O.
> Bill
> cd: I would like to add in Kevin"s defense-that this forum is limited in
> it's expressive forms-One cannot truly learn another on this site- Kevin has
> a big heart for the lost and I have seen him stand and discuss truth for
> hours with one individual-Great patience and love shown by Kevin but not
> seen on this site.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how
> you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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