JD wrote:
> The shock and awe you all experienced with
> the use of the f'in word is the same dismay
> many feel when the word sodomite is used.

The context, however, is much different.  Homosexuals should be ashamed of 
the word sodomite.  They should also be ashamed of the word Queer.  However, 
they are working hard for society to accept the word Queer as a nice term, 
and they will do the same thing with the word sodomite.  Right now, however, 
society thinks of what sodomy means, and many people still consider this 
sexual perversion.  A very frequent question I am asked is whether or not 
sodomy is acceptable between a man and a woman.  When I respond that it is 
not, they jest about being greatly disappointed.

Do we know that people don't like the word "sodomy"?  Of course.  However, 
we use it because 1) it is not a foul word like the F word, and 2) it brings 
to light the perversion of what homosexuality is all about.  I would rather 
use the word sodomy or sodommite to make my point rather than trying to 
detail exactly what is wrong with what they do.  Some of us try hard to use 
illustrations, such as an electrical cord with male and female ends, showing 
who male to male does not work as it was designed.  Sometimes, however, 
people don't get it and we do have to more specifically describe what we are 
talking about, much to the embarrassment of people who truly do not 
understand the kind of life that homosexuals are promoting with their 

Judy wrote:
> She brought out that passionate discontent
> rather brilliantly.

Perhaps so, but she grossly fails to understand the spiritual reasons for 
this discontent.

David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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