Ya know that baseball bat that's goin' from Colorado to California...well..send one to Florida will ya?

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Sent: February 01, 2006 14:32
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

No, John, that won't work.  You have to learn to shift gears to understand
street preaching.  I would never speak this way one on one.  It only shuts
the person down.  In street preaching, however, we can redirect our speech
toward others.  We can bring out what the homosexuals are really about.
Take my banner, for example, that says, "Beware Queer University."  When
people complain about the banner being offensive, I ask them to please tell me what is offensive about it. If it is the word "Queer" I explain that the
word Queer is used by the homosexuals themselves, and that part of their
agenda is to make this word common place like the word Gay is now used for a
homosexual man.  I sometimes ask a homosexual standing there, "sir, please
tell everyone here if I am speaking the truth.  If I took off the word
"Beware" from this sign, and it only said, "Queer University," and I rallied
people, telling them that this University should be known to all as Queer
Univeristy, and all the Queers should come here to this University, wouldn't
you like that?  Every time the homosexual will agree and say, yes, that
would be great.  The point is that most people do not understand that this
is the homosexual agenda.  Many of us do not want the University to become
Queer University.  We only want it to be a place where homosexuals can
attend and find help to stop sexual behavior that God condemns.

So my point is that a counseling session is conducted much differently than a street preaching session. If you can't shift gears, stick with counseling
and let others do the street preaching.  They will be more effective at it
than you would be.

David Miller.

----- Original Message ----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org ; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

Should I try your approach in my next counseling session?

"O. KKKKeeee!!  Glad you folks were able to make it.   My understanding is
that you two queers  have some sort of misgiving about the perception of
others concerning your sodomizing way of life.   Hopefully, at the end of
this session, you two faggets willl see the love I have for who you could be
in the Lord as I do what I can to lead you away from the hell fire you are
so deserving of because of your love for each others buns ..  and  ..
aahhh. well !! at least I did the best I good. If they won't listen to the truth, let the little faggets go to hell. That is apparently what they really want !! If they think I was hard on them, they should see what the
Lord tells me to say to the Mormons !!

How am I doing?  Think it might work  -- to any degree.?

I rest my case.

-------------- Original message -------------- From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

JD wrote:
> The shock and awe you all experienced with
> the use of the f'in word is the same dismay
> many feel when the word sodomite is used.

The context, however, is much different. Homosexuals should be ashamed of
the word sodomite. They should also be ashamed of the word Queer. However, they are working hard for society to accept the word Queer as a nice term,
and they will do the same thing with the word sodomite. Right now,
society thinks of what sodomy means, and many people still consider this
sexual perversion. A very frequent question I am asked is whether or not
sodomy is acceptable between a man and a woman. When I respond that it is
not, they jest about being greatly disappointed.

; Do we know that people don't like the word "sodomy"? Of course. However,
we use it because 1) it is not a foul word like the F word, and 2) it
to light the perversion of what homosexuality is all about. I would rather
use the word sodomy or sodommite to make my point rather than trying to
detail exactly what is wrong with what they do. Some of us try hard to use
illustrations, such as an electrical cord with male and female ends,
who male to male does not work as it was designed. Sometimes, however,
people don't get it and we do have to more specifically describe what we
talking about, much to the embarrassment of people who truly do not
understand the kind of life that homosexuals are promoting with their

Judy wrote:
> She brought out that passionate discontent
> rather brilliantly.

Perhaps so, but she grossly fails to understand the spiritual reasons for
this discontent.

David Miller.

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