Title: RE: [TruthTalk] Fw: Fw: Continuing repentance
As to the former, "conformed to the image of Christ", yes. As to the latter "cages", no.
As I see it, Judy/Dean and others, what underlies the INSULTS (take note Dean) being levelled at: the church fathers, Augustine, Calvin, Luther, Barth, Torrance, Polanyi, Joseph Smith, Dake... (please insert in your favourite 'bad person' here) is a conclusion. I don't feel the need to identify that conclusion.These conclusions are attempt circumventing genuine dialogue.In some/many cases there exists no wish to 'dialogue' whatsoever'. 
---- Original Message -----
Sent: February 26, 2006 08:07
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Continuing repentance

Are Dean and I to believe Lance that you perceive these two men to be "conformed to the image
of Christ" in their generation?  I had never heard of the "oversize bird cages" do you know about this Lance?
On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 07:43:03 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dean:Am I (are we) to understand that you and Judy have now 'dismissed'  THE TWO MAJOR REFORMERS at that time in history? Do either of you perceive Luther/Calvin as UNbelievers?
From: Dean Moore
I think there is a big difference.  Luther was a bit rude and crude and he went from crawling up St. Peters Basillica on his knees and flagellating himself in penance to going wild with "where sin abounds grace doth much more abound" and running off with that. So in his case the pendulum swung as far as it could in the opposite direction. Also he never got completely free from the RC taint in his attitude toward the Jews which was not one of love and longsuffering by any means. One can see the influence of Augustine there - Luther wanted them hunted down and killed.
cd: Judy did you know that M.Luther had Street Preachers put in oversize bird cages and hung up in the church even on Sunday morning while he and his followers worshiped God. Amazes me that some people quote hin as an enerest speaker for God. In the entire Bible who was persecuted- the Christians or the pagans? When have Christians done such acts? Concern the moderation of religion-here is what the Bible says:

Jud 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

In the above I see no room for modernizing (ie.alter/changing)the gospel to comform to modern belief of righ or wrong.To do so is a great mistake.


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