Yes, Kevin, for the sake of our discussion, the whole world  does revolve around the single Corinthian passage.   I assume you believe it to be the inspired word of God as well as any other passage of scripture.   I do.   So, plug it into your theology  (you ahve to do this becaue I cannot )  and you might just  see that we are not that far apart.  If you cannot, then just admit it and move on. 





As soon as you post some of these scriptures we can discuss them
(This is the second request)
So it seems that your reluctance to post them is what in reality refuses to give them voice.

The whole world revolves on that one Partial verse?
Is that the life verse of that Porno Babe in Christ?
I am afraid her works speak louder than her beliefs.
Some of these folks must worship that MORMON god.
The one who said to Adam do not partake of the tree nevertheless if you want to go ahead BUT remember I FORBID it. (HUH?)
It is real simple if you are what you say you are you will display the character of a saint not a devil. Sow to your Flesh - REAP corruption. The bible says those that think not me, are DECEIVED!



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