----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 13, 2006 21:49
Subject: RE: Fw: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens

Okay okay..so I guess I deserved that feedback...I didn't really clarify really well where that conversation about Job went.  No, nothing miraculous happened in front of me.  My friend's boyfriend did not suddenly repent of his intimacy outside the boundaries of an official wedding ceremony.  I phrase it that way because that is exactly what getting married has become to some in the church.  It is just making it right on the outside when really there are awful problems inside the marriage that are never really discussed.  Whereas those who have been hurt by past relationships and are scared to tie the knot again...so they live committed to each other but scared to trust in an actual marriage relationship again and so they never take the plunge.  Could it be that this may be more honest in the end?  Anyhow...I just put that out for consideration.  Once again, I feel one must look beyond surface actions into the depth of  a person's heart and motives.  Back to my sipping coffee with sinners....I was not looking for any miraculous change...I think some of you are disappointed at that.  I'm not.  I don't look for that  and I certainly do not condition my friendships on response.  Friendship and conversation should be unconditional.  Sound familiar...?  Jesus was like that.  And somehow in the midst of our conversations and being open and honest with each other...could there be the start of redemption?  How do we know what my friend walked away thinking after that afternoon?  By the way, did I tell you that I left him with a couple of bibles for him and his son who is from his first marriage who was visiting..and some cd's...and that we are to continue this discourse at some point!?  Maybe I should also mention a conversation I had last night with my pregnant teenager friend who I mentioned earlier as well.  She called me late last night much to my annoyance since I had had a crazy day and was not up to much conversation anymore.  We had just finished our official young adult meeting at church and she was calling me to say that she wanted to let me know that she has made a decision not to be intimate with her boyfriend anymore.  I was floored.  It is the very thing I was praying for however I never made mention of it to her.  These were just my prayers and hopes for her.  She went on to tell me how she had let her boyfriend know about that and then she started crying because she said she was so scared she would lose him.  She's pregnant and she's 17 and she's scared of being alone.  Instead, her boyfriend ended up telling her how much he loved her and respected her for her decision and has decided to get baptized along with her...They willl both be taking classes towards this event which takes place on Easter Sunday.  Please pray with me for them.  Her boyfriend has been coming to our young adult group as well.  And what a testimony...when I dropped them all home.  He walked her to the door of her house, kissed her goodbye and got back in the car with me and I dropped him home.  This is how it will be with them until they get married...which they are hoping to do soon.  I hope you will pray for them.  Please note that I said nothing...just loved and had apparently meaningless conversations about Job and other such wonderful people in the Bible while sipping coffee.  I hope some of you will take the time to walk with people on their rough and difficult journey through life.  Well, I'm off...I have an early morning flight to New Orleans and I sure am hoping to run into many more wonderful people and great conversations which will end in who knows what kind of amazing committments down the road somewhere...Do we believe this??  Jesus changes lives..in His time and His way.  What an awesome relief to know that I just have to walk alongside those He puts my way and He'll do the rest!  Thank you for listening!


From:  "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  "Joanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Fw: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years speaks on believing teens
Date:  Mon, 13 Mar 2006 12:33:51 -0500
>----- Original Message ----- From: "David Miller"
>To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
>Sent: March 13, 2006 12:27
>Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years
>speaks on believing teens
>>John wrote:
>>>You make I Cor 3:1ff of no account.
>>I'm not sure what you are getting at.  The carnal person is the one
>>accepts the brother who is fornicating and does not call him to
>>Isn't that Paul's message?  If they were spiritual, he would not
>>have to
>>tell them how to handle this situation in 1 Cor. 5.
>>As for the discourse below about the fornicator relating to the
>>book of Job,
>>there is one HUGE difference between Job and this fornicator.  Job
>>was NOT a
>>fornicator.  Job was being FALSELY accused of sin.  I hope somebody
>>coffee with him helped him recognize this.
>>The problem in churches today is exactly what we read in this
>>Christians no longer have the integrity to tell others they are in
>>sin and
>>need to repent.  Certainly this must be done with love and
>>compassion, but
>>we cannot just allow people to continue in sin.  The Scriptures are
>>clear that allowing people to sin in the church will cause the rest
>>of the
>>believers likewise to fall into sin.  This could be a primary
>>reason why
>>many Christians have never even met other Christians who no longer
>>to sin.
>>David Miller.
>>----- Original Message ----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org ; TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
>>Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12:09 PM
>>Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Joanna Williams - friend of some 10 years
>>speaks on
>>believing teens
>>You make I Cor 3:1ff of no account.
>>-------------- Original message -------------- From: Kevin Deegan
>>No I did not miss the part about the authors INTENTIONs
>>Did you miss the part about the Authors command to NOT to company
>>Was it the N word?
>>And you comment has what to do with my post and the question
>>Hey,  Kev  --  did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below
>>presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the
>>lives of
>>those whom she is working with?   And your approach to helping the
>>is ....................what, exactly   .....................   just
>>them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of
>>I await your answer.
>>-------------- Original message -------------- From: Kevin Deegan
>>What was it for you the N or the O?
>>Hey,  Kev  --  did you somehow miss the part in the discourse below
>>presents the author's desire, hope and prayer for change in the
>>lives of
>>those whom she is working with?   And your approach to helping the
>>is ....................what, exactly   .....................   just
>>them directly to the trash heap somewhere outside the city of
>>-------------- Original message -------------- From: Kevin Deegan
>>1 Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with
>>Which part is hard to understand the N the O or the T ?
>>"As we sipped on coffee"
>>if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous,
>>or an
>>idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such
>>an one no
>>not to eat.
>>The N or the O?
>>"He relates a lot to Job"
>>LOL!  a lot? NOT! - N or O or T?
>>Job 1:22   In all this Job sinned not
>>Then we have a declaration, GREAT VICTORY! the Fornicator is STILL
>>Your kinder gentler Humanistic Religion really works! What a
>>Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Well, since I'm being asked for a response on this...my initial
>>feeling is
>>that we need to live in the real world having contact with real
>>people...perhaps listen a little more to others and how they live.  
>>In my
>>experience with people, including believers by the way, struggle
>>with sin is
>>common.  By the way, people are so much more harsh on visible sins
>>such as
>>addictions to alcohol, pornography, drugs etc...whereas I believe
>>always looked deeper into our hearts and spoke to much that was
>>invisible to
>>many...such as self-righteousness, judgement towards others,
>>religious obsession. etc.  These are way harder to weed out of our
>>than outer behaviours that seem to upset the church so much.  I
>>pray that we
>>may see these situations with the heart of God, listening and
>>dealing with
>>others on a very real level which unfortunately is so often tucked
>>away and
>>not talked about enough.  We have many hurting people in our
>>churches who
>>are deeply addicted to many non -christian behaviours...but rather
>>judge...it may be much better to listen, to learn and to work out
>>the deeper
>>rooted hurts and issues that cause people to lose themselves in the
>>of pornography, alcohol, sexual relationships etc.  It is so
>>important to be
>>the kind of Christian that is listening to others with an open
>>attitude and
>>no pre-conceived judgements in mind whether they are in the church
>>or not.
>>A couple of instances pop into my mind right now...one is from last
>>when I actually popped by my friend's house...co-worker from the
>>bank where
>>I work.  As we sipped on coffee, her boyfriend/spouse began to talk
>>how he used to go to church in England and considers himself a
>>believer in
>>God and Christ but would no longer go to a church anymore because
>>of the
>>questions about his relationship with my friend and the fact that
>>they were
>>living together.  He began to share his hurts about this situation
>>and then
>>we got into one of th e best discussions I've ever had on the book
>>of Job.
>>He relates a lot to Job and the judgement his well-meaning friends
>>to him during a rough time in his life when they should have been
>>and loving him and not judging him..  How wonderful at the end of
>>the book
>>when Job not only comes into a deep trust with God but God also
>>invites him
>>to pray for the very friends that incessantly accused him.  Great
>>there and much to be learned from that story.  Another situation I
>>reminded of is happening in my church right now with a young
>>teenager who is
>>pregnant and has come to our church for shelter.  While she loves
>>the Lord
>>and clings to His love at this hard time in her life, she is also
>>involved with her boyfriend outside of marriage right now and
>>realizes her
>>situations are not perfect.  I have just chosen as a youth ministry
>>to walk beside her, with no judgments gi ve n , and just let the
>>Word of the
>>God speak to her and let her make her choices...letting her know
>>God's great
>>love just as she is.  I feel as if as a church, if we come out of
>>the little
>>religious bubble we've allowed ourselves to be in...much awaits us.
>>  Sure
>>life will not be black and white but it will be interesting and
>>beautiful...as diverse as each person's dna and personality is...it
>>is in
>>these simply unique ways that God does touch and change each
>>life...not in
>>cookie-cutter ways or via textbook answers!  I hope this helps
>>somewhat...would love to continue the conversation!!  All the best
>>to all of
>>you...Roll up your sleeves and get into the amazing mix of life
>>others...God will pop up in the most surprising places!!  My e-mail
>>is [EMAIL PROTECTED]   if any of you care to contact me
>>at any
>>time!  Thank you!
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>>"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
>>may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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