On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Nicolas Évrard <nicolas.evr...@b2ck.com> wrote:
> * Luis Falcon  [2011-11-18 19:06 +0100]:
>>>>> The proposition on elveos date from September which means that the
>>>>> design is already almost clear (at least in Cédric's mind), people at
>>>>> the TUL recognized a need an decided to help by donating. Of course
>>>>> those donations will speed up the development but if the amount is not
>>>>> reached before the release I won't blame Cédric (or anybody else) for
>>>>> working on some stuffs that he finds more interesting. On the other
>>>>> hand is the amount is reached, then B2CK will have to create the
>>>>> module : at that time there will be a contract between the
>>>>> subscriptors and B2CK.
>>>> I don't like this concept. You can do whatever you feel is more
>>>> interesting, but then don't put other things on the list.
>>> I did not decide what are the goals. But on my free time I know for
>>> sure that I won't work on the MRP. On my work time I know for sure
>>> that I won't work on the MRP, unless there is sufficient funding.
>>> Those are facts … you don't like them so be it.
>> In your free time, you can paint Mona Lisa if you want, I don't
>> really care.
> Then when should the module be developed ?
>> We, as the community, have been asking for the MRP module. Our clients
>> ask for the MRP module... seems like the only one who doesn't find it
>> important is you.
> You find it important … You do it or ask someone else to do it for
> you. That's as simple as that.
Wow... that was deep.
> Moreover I find that this is an important improvement but I am not
> willing to spend some unpaid time on it (because on my unpaid time as
> you say I can do whatever I want and I prefer to do something else :
> py3, hgreview, some twisted, whatever).
>> Again, this "funding project concept" is not good, especially when we
>> talk about a key module like MRP.
> Maybe you should have raised your voice when Cédric proposed elveos
> then.
> If there was no elveos, the MRP module would still be in the limbos.
> What alternative do you propose ?

Work on it as a community. The donation Thymbra did was not on the
basis of "pay to being done", which is not good at all. Donating
money, time, code and talent has to be on the basis of contributing to
the community.

Let me tell you, GNU Solidario receives donations. Some donors do it
because they want some feature in their health center, others do it
just because they like our cause and mission. But it is up to them to
donate whatever they feel is appropiate. Some of them won't donate at
all. We will be always happy developing GNU Health (and other free
software systems) and improving people's lives with it. We get happy
when people ask for new functionality that improve the system.

For me, Free Software is synonym of social activism. It's being
ethical. It's giving to the community something without expecting
something back. It's contributing to the development of the society.

I believe profit should be made only on the basis of implementations
and training. So, having a good product will lead to more
implementations (including customizations) and more trainings.

That's why I insist in the Tryton foundation, because it would be a
non-profit organization with the idea of promoting and protecting
Tryton, completely away from any type of economic interest.

Then, of course B2CK, Thymbra, Sisalp, NaN, etc, can (and should) make
profit implementing and training Tryton.

This of course is my point of view.

>>>>> It's not chaotic / unpredictable the way it is now. It's just that
>>>>> stuffs will happen only if the community really want them.
>>>> The community wants the production module, as well as a good home
>>>> page. But I don't see it happening either.
>>> Bertrand already explained why the home page has not yet changed. You
>>> want to get the stuff moving, turn the designs into a sphinx template
>>> then we can move on. I am not specially in favor of the sphinx
>>> template rule but that's the rule.
>> Whoever proposed sphinx - rejecting the other options - , then they
>> should do it. Now, if you reject the other options and ignore the work
>> done by the community, that's not being fair and taking for granted
>> the work that the community has done voluntarily.
> Well the community decided to use .rst format way before the website
> redesign subject was raised here. Those who proposed the designed
> should have made the effort to make their stuff compliant with the
> community decision.
> If someone comes with a MRP module written in PHP we won't recode
> tryton to make it compatible with it. There was a choice the newcomers
> (and I am one) have to adapt to it.
> Do you remember that you asked someone to volunteer to make the sphinx
> template and nobody steps in yet …
>    http://groups.google.com/group/tryton/msg/9e4fd2fdff8dd44f
>>>>>> PS: Time to have the Tryton foundation.
>>>>> It don't think it would solve what you're thinking is the issue.
>>>>> But this is not the issue of this thread, so we should discuss this in
>>>>> the dedicated topic.
>>>> It's quite hard to discuss, propose or do anything with your attitude.
>>> I am just explaining my point of view.
>>> You don't want to talk about that OK but do not rant if the things do
>>> not go the way you want them to go.
>> I rant anytime I feel like ranting. It is my right in a free society :-)
> This is your right indeed. Ranting has never been a good way to get
> the stuff going in the "right" direction. Your rants will not motivate
> hackers to listen to you and maybe even rotting the mood.
> Which lead me to the conclusion that other emails on the subject will
> finish in /dev/null because neither of us will change his mind on this
> subject.
I will make use of my freedom to complain (and even rant if the
occassion deserves it) to defend free software anytime I see something
that goes against it. Of course I might misinterpret messages and be
wrong on my conclusions. When that happen, I will be the first one to

Now I hope you don't send it to /dev/null

> --
> Nicolas Évrard
> rue de Rotterdam, 4
> 4000 Liège
> Belgium
> Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
> E-mail/Jabber: nicolas.evr...@b2ck.com
> Website: http://www.b2ck.com/
> --
> tryton-dev@googlegroups.com mailing list

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