Next thing we'll need in our localization is being able to assign payment 
types to parties, sales and purchase orders, invoices, and account move lines.

A payment type defines how an invoice is going to be paid. Some examples can 
be: credit card, bank transfer or cheque.

>From this information we will later need to be able to define payment orders 
which will simply group several payments (of different parties) into a single 
document (account.payment.order). Those, eventually can generate a text file 
that can be sent to the bank (that format is very country-specific).

What I envision is the first set of modules:

* account_payment_type: Depends on account_invoice and adds the module 
account.payment.type which just has a translatable field "name". It also adds 
two properties to parties: customer_payment_type and supplier_payment_type. 
payment_type field is also added to account.invoice and account.move.line.

* sale_payment_type: Adds a payment_type field to sale orders. The value is 
moved to invoices.

* purchase_payment_type: Adds a payment_type field to purchase orders. The 
value is moved to invoices.

* account_payment_order: Implements account.payment.order, to be discussed in 
another e-mail.

So the question is: do other countries need similar features and have some 
specific requirements? Do you think account.payment.order should go to its own 
module or better moved into account_payment_type?

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel: +34 93 553 18 03

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