El 18/12/11 18:08, Albert Cervera i Areny escribió:

I think a separate repository makes sense when you need lots of reports but for one or two is not a very good option either. Apart from that, in fact, the main reson for porting JasperReports to Tryton is that we also had some performance problems with large reports (not analysis ones) that can require more than a thousand pages for which relatorio and LibreOffice are not fast enough. These are official ones that must be brought to the administration and a book is created each year.

IMHO, learn the tips and tricks for design labels, others (T&T) for desing email templates, others for invoice report, others for XXXX... is a nightmare.

If jasper reports + iReport can give to tryton the needed power and the speed, I think we can use it until we get other solution more trytonic.

my 2 cents :)


Albert Cervera i Areny


Tel: +34 93 553 18 03



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