2014/1/20 Christophe (net) <c...@adiczion.net>:
> Hi,
> I return to the subject of the sales price with tax included.
> I have carefully read the blue print and I have followed the discution with
> Cedric on  TUB2013, the general idea had concensus was to define a object
> dedicated for these sales. If I agree with this idea, the implementation is
> heavy (many module to modify based on this new object: sale_pos, nereid,
> ...) , this weekend I decided to overload the Sale object and Invoice object
> to allow sales management with prices tax included.
> This new module (sale_b2bc) depends on the module sale_shop from
> ZikZakmedia.
> In summary:
>  - Adding a flag on products to indicate if the list_price is tax included
> - Adding a choice  to the store to indicate if sales can be made tax
> included, tax excluded or both

I'd separate the shop/store module from the tax included one. I think
there's no need to depend on stores...

> - Adding an option to object Sale  to indicate if price is tax included or
> not.
> - Change the calculation of taxes on sale and invoice to add tax included
> possibility
> - Modification of invoice object to adding tax included calculation like
> sale.

I think invoice should be done in a different module. By the way, did
you take into account account_invoice_line_standalone? It should not
be possible to mix lines with tax included with lines with tax
excluded in the same invoice.

> - Modification of the generation of accounting entries
> what remains to be done
>  - The integration with stock management : valuation movements and invoice
> creation from deliveries
>  - Add the installation procedure for PyPI
>  - Add unit tests
>  - Add doc
>  - And tests, tests and still test :-)
> You can find the repository of the dev version here:
> https://gitorious.org/ate_modules/trytond-sale_b2bc : branch dev_3.0

I could not see the code. Just the .gitignore file...

Note that Cédric preferred to have slightly different objects sharing
a large common base for managing both types of sales on the grounds

- Tax included/excluded was a very important information that made it
not a very good option to have all fields at sale line and use ones or
the others depending on a flag
- The workflow of sales could be different

That means that maybe your proposal it is hard it will be included in
Tryton as is, but I'm still very interested in it.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel. 93 553 18 03

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