
As a PoC i just added flake8 check to tox [1] on one of my personal projects. The output is available on drone [2].

I tought it my be interesting to have this check also on all tryton modules. What do you think? .

Also this will allow to deprecate reviewbot once all codereviews are tested on drone.

Note: Adding flake8 to tox, means fixing all errors (otherwise build will fail on drone) which means:

adding # noqa to all __init__.py lines that import *
adding # noqa to all tests/__init__.py
Fix all possible errors.

I also managed to run coverage to ensure that module coverage is over a specific % (75% on my case, but can be customized per module). Patch is here[3] (and here[4] is run by default). The output is also available on drone [5]. Do you think this is also interesting to add?

I can start working on this if you like the idea.

[1] https://bitbucket.org/pokoli/trytond-buti/commits/60d7a13855325f9069d85db15ab7421edb959922
[2] https://drone.io/bitbucket.org/pokoli/trytond-buti/4
[3] https://bitbucket.org/pokoli/trytond-buti/commits/569c970ea1d0357ca268949e2376a43217b5d88a [4] https://bitbucket.org/pokoli/trytond-buti/commits/6b5813c8a290a718131e08cf59af21c71a564abb
[5] https://drone.io/bitbucket.org/pokoli/trytond-buti/6

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