El 07/05/18 a les 14:38, Udo Spallek ha escrit:
> Is it correct that there are more than 5000 entries to edit?
This probably because you get results from country and currency modules.
Skipping this modules gives (at least for catalan) less words to
translate. See:

translation=# select count(1) from ir_translation where lang = 'ca' and
src = value;

translation=# select count(1) from ir_translation where lang = 'ca' and
src = value and module not in ('currency', 'country');

Also it's possible that there are common word on your language that are
not correctly translated. For example in catalan we translate model and
id with the same wording. Skipping them gives less entries to translate:

translation=# select count(1) from ir_translation where lang = 'ca' and
src = value and src not in ('Model', 'ID') and module not in
('currency', 'country');

The number depends on the languages but expect to have from 500 to 1000
missing translations as (at least) all buttons strings, helps and
confirms translations are missing.

Hope it helps.

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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