Hi just checkouted the 2.5 branch and saw that the new version will use the 
active record pattern.
I'm a bit disappointed because I like simplicity, and to at first sight, 
using this pattern forces those noisy decorators in the methods, it also 
make things more complex by thinking about static or class methods where 
you don't want to. That said, I guess there are some benefits, but I don't 
get what they are. So I googled a bit in order to find more information 
about this major api change but couldn't find anything except some code 

So could someone explain what is the rationale behind this active record 
migration ?

Extra question: Is it possible to write a module using the 'old way' (eg: I 
just want to write methods without bothering what happens behind the scene, 
and model's method overloading should be natural and no-brainer) ?

tryton@googlegroups.com mailing list

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