On 02/10/12 11:07 -0700, Valentin Hapiot wrote:
> Hi just checkouted the 2.5 branch and saw that the new version will use the 
> active record pattern.
> I'm a bit disappointed because I like simplicity, and to at first sight, 
> using this pattern forces those noisy decorators in the methods, it also 
> make things more complex by thinking about static or class methods where 
> you don't want to. That said, I guess there are some benefits, but I don't 
> get what they are. So I googled a bit in order to find more information 
> about this major api change but couldn't find anything except some code 
> reviews.
> So could someone explain what is the rationale behind this active record 
> migration ?

They are many benefits, here are somes:

    - reduce the amount of code (about 2.2k lines removed) for example
      on_change_with and getter of Function field can be merged.

    - unified access to the value of record: remove of values
      dictionnary on on_change method.

    - remove loop in getter of Function field


            def getter(self, ids, name):
                res = {}
                for record in self.browse(ids):
                    res[record.id] = ...
                return res


            def getter(self, name):
                return self....

    - rationale the register process of Model (use copy of fields etc.)

    - remove session in wizard

    - ...

> Extra question: Is it possible to write a module using the 'old way' (eg: I 
> just want to write methods without bothering what happens behind the scene, 
> and model's method overloading should be natural and no-brainer) ?

In some way, you can by using classmethod. Indeed the principle did not
change but now it is more logical and pythonic.

Cédric Krier

Rue de Rotterdam, 4
4000 Liège
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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