>> Also, is there an updated (2.5) version of the demo module ?
> Not yet.

I tried to update the demo module but I can't get it to work.
The tryton.cfg is ok and the module is processed but the model doesn't
seem to be registered.

Here's the code :

from trytond.model import ModelSQL, fields

__all__ = [

class Hello(ModelSQL):
    """Hello World class"""
    __name__ = 'hello.hello'

    name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
    string = fields.Char('String')
    greeting = fields.Char('Greeting')

When starting tryton I can see that the class is registered :

./trytond -d test
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:server:using
/home/val/tryton/trytond/etc/trytond.conf as configuration file
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:server:initialising distributed objects services
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:server:starting JSON-RPC protocol on
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:database:connect to "test"
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:pool:init pool for "test"
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:modules:ir:registering classes
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:modules:res:registering classes
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:modules:hello:registering classes
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:modules:test:registering classes
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:modules:webdav:registering classes
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:11 2012] INFO:modules:ir
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:12 2012] INFO:modules:res
[Tue Oct 02 23:14:12 2012] INFO:modules:hello

but when I try to create a hello.hello object trough jsonrpc I got a
key error on 'hello.hello' :

{u'id': 0, u'error': [u"'hello.hello'", u'Traceback (most recent call
last):\n  File "/trytond/protocols/jsonrpc.py", line 123, in
_marshaled_dispatch\n    response[\'result\'] =
dispatch_method(method, params)\n  File
"/trytond/protocols/jsonrpc.py", line 156, in _dispatch\n    res =
dispatch(*args)\n  File "/trytond/protocols/dispatcher.py", line 133,
in dispatch\n    obj = pool.get(object_name, type=object_type)\n  File
"/trytond/pool.py", line 148, in get\n    return

Please note that I can create a res.user trough jsonrpc without problem.

What did I forgot ?

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