Le 28/10/2017 à 01:12, Cédric Krier a écrit :
On 2017-10-27 22:27, Richard PALO wrote:
So do not fill it. You do not need to have the supplier price, it is
there for information.

?? I thought that stock receptions used the order prices (not the invoiced 
price) for stock
valuation on the stock move. Has this changed, or do I misunderstand the 
That is, it is frequent here to have invoices based upon [one or more] 

You should know the price of the product when you validated the
quotation and at worst when you receive the goods so you can update the
price on the move.

Indeed, that is my point.

With respect to promotions, sale_promotion is only for sales and not purchases.
It seems that it should be neutral, but I imagine you suggest in this case that
a purchase_promotion module be devised....

Richard PALO

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