At 04:00 PM 5/21/02, you wrote:
>Just to throw my hat in too; I'm in a similar situation...
>then there's a bunch of optional tag libraries (similar to JSP tag
>libraries) each of which is dependent on the core jelly engine and maybe
>some other stuff specific to it.

Actually, that is almost exactly the postition I am in.  Almost all modules 
are dependent on a 'core' module, though some are dependent on a number of 

>I'd like it if all the sub projects could just depend on the core project
>along with anything else specific to it. e.g. the OJB tag library would be
>dependent on Jelly and OJB, the crossdb taglib would be dependent on Jelly
>and crossdb etc.

I manage that at the moment in a slightly odd way, the module that is being 
built sets a ${release.dir} property and another which lists its own 
dependencies.  The modules build then calls release in a common build file 
higher up.

The common build file uses a custom 'for-each' task to build the other 
modules, which will in turn build the modules they are dependent 
on.  Because the ${release.dir} was set by the first module all of the jars 
get built into that one directory.  At the end of the process all of the 
jars needed by the module and its dependencies and their dependencies.... 
end up in a single release directory.

When we build the whole project a dummy module sets a dependency list of 
all the modules and a ${release.dir} in a specific location.

Our problem at the moment is stopping excessive rebuilding of the core 
module.  This structure is more a horizontal one than the master/slave 
approach Reactor seems to be aiming for.


James Macgill
Center for Computational Geography
Spell Checker (c) Creative Spelling inc (aka my dyslexic brain) a client side java mapping toolkit.

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