on 5/26/2000 1:00 PM, Sasan, Hement at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I was getting a Null Pointer Exception with my previous version of Turbine.
> Now, I've downloaded the latest version (as of 05/26/2000) and installed it.
> Still I'm getting the following error, while running Turbine Servlet.

Obviously you are doing something wrong. :-)

> http://localhost:8080/servlet/Turbine
> reported this exception: java.lang.NullPointerException. Please report this
> to the administrator of the web server.
> java.lang.NullPointerException at Turbine.doGet(Compiled Code) at

Notice how there is no line number there? That makes this stack trace
useless for us. :-( Keep reading...

> I've put the Turbine.class and org package in "JavaWebServer2.0\classes"
> directory, so that it's always in the classpath for the web server. I've
> also put the TurbineResources.properties file in the Document root
> directory.
> When I load the servlet, it loads. Doesn't crib. But when I try to invoke it
> (from web browser), I'm getting the above pasted error.
> Any comment??

#1. Recompile Turbine with debugging on. You can do this by simply editing
the build-turbine.xml file and say modify the debug property at the top.
Send in the stack trace that has the line number instead of "Compiled Code".
You may also need to run the JVM with the JIT disabled since it also removes
the line numbers. That will help us point out the problem where things are
going wrong.

#2. Do you have all the relevant .jar's in the turbine/lib directory in your
classpath? If not, then you will need to do this.

#3. The TurbineResources.properties file doesn't go into the document root.
This is probably the source of your problem. Please read the installation
instructions more carefully. You need to specify it so that it can be read
by ServletConfig.getInitParameter().

good luck and don't forget to follow the directions. :-)


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