Hello Jon!

> > This is my proposal of changes to WebMacro:
> > 1. location of WebMacro.properties should be specified as servlet
> > intialization
> > argument (be it Turbine or your own servlet extending 
> WMServlet class)
> > 2. if no location is specified, a fallback to standard 
> WebMacro procedures is
> > preformed
> It should do the classpath first AND what you suggest second.

Please, give me your reasons for this.
My thinking goes like that: If I explicitly specify a location of
the config file, I don't want WebMacro to dig through my
classpath and grab some random one, silently overriding my 
(not that I have a habit of leaving config files lying around,
if this happens to someone, it can be really annoying)

> +1...we *might* be able to do this ourselves, but it would be 
> nice to have
> WM support this. There has been talk on the WM mailing list 
> (with code) to
> fix this problem, but i'm not sure if it has been solved in 
> the code yet.

I was reding their list and found related messages, just as you
said. There was a lengthy thread "Making templates relocatable"
running in February/March, but I haven't yet discovered to what conclusions
they've came to. I need to read a bit more, to make sure I wont duplicate
their work. 

> > somebody sends me sources of WebMacro we are using, or points me to
> > a location where I can get them.
> read the WM list archives.

I know that we are using a CVS snapshot made about three weeks ago.
Unfortunately shimari.com's CVSWEB is not working, and I wasn't able
to find any information about anonymous access to the CVS.
I'd rather start hacking on the sources instead of chasing them around,
so I'd appreciate some pointers....

One more thing - if we consider giving the location of WebMarco properties
to Turbine servlet, shouldn't we provide the parametrs as
Turbine.properites and WebMacro properties respectively?

diff -u -r1.58 Turbine.java
--- Turbine.java        2000/05/27 23:42:44     1.58
+++ Turbine.java        2000/05/30 21:45:14
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@

     /** this is the string that is looked for when getInitParameter is called */
     private static final String INIT_PROPS_KEY = "properties";
+    /** if more than one 'property' parameter is needed, full name may be used */
+    private static final String INIT_PROPS_KEY_ALT = "Turbine.properties";

      * This init method will load the default resources from a properties file.
@@ -114,6 +117,10 @@

         String props = getInitParameter(INIT_PROPS_KEY);
+       if( props == null )
+       {
+           props = getInitParameter(INIT_PROPS_KEY_ALT);
+       }

drop me a line if I should check this in...


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