> > We could also define an additional parameter in WebMacro.properties,
> > which would indicate if this translation should be performed or not.
I refined this idea a bit more: Let's define WebAppTemplatePath parameter.
If this parameter is present, and getRealPath() works, we assume that we
are running inside a webapp and paths resulting from the translation should
replace TemplatePath. If not, we assume that we are running under JServ,
and TemplatePath should be used. Therefore, when we are deploing our
app inside 2.2 engine, we ignore TemplatePath and it's just working, and if
we are deploying under JServ, we ignore WebAppTemplatePath, and
set TemplatePath.
> > All I need to know right now is how do I access Turbine servlet's
> > ServletConfig
> > object inside TurbineWebMacroService.init() method.
I need help with this one! Is it possible right now? Or do we need to modify
Turbine class for that? I think that we can't use static filed for this, because
there may be many applications using Turbine running in the same container
(not Tomcat 3.1, but future releases - yes).
> properties == TurbineResources.properties
> webmacro.properties == WebMacro.properties
These are fine with me. Yet again, maybe we shouldn't specify Webmacro
properies as servlet init arg? We could make it TurbineResources.properites
entry, as we did with FreeMaker. This would be more consistent, leaving
TurbineResources.propertis the master config file.
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