At 01:42  16/6/00 +0200, you wrote:
>       AFAIK "JDE" is general term meaning, as Rafal guessed, "Java
>Development Environment', so I think it means the same as Java IDE.

JDE is the name of a specific mode for Emacs. Available at Older versions of mode are packaged with newer
Emacs versions so you may not need it if you don't want latest features.

>Question still remains - what IDE (JDE?) + Emacs makes this great
>combination ? JDPA (if so, than what is it ?, where can it be found ?) ?
>My personal choice is Emacs + ANT in Makefile (bound to F5 key - good ol'
>Borlan' TVision style ;). It's fast, it has syntax highlight, it has
>RegExps and beautiful, not found anywhere else feature - <ALT>+</> ;)
>Everything that makes programmer/coder happy.

it doesn't have code completion (at least in my version) or code inspection
(ie hit a key and get a list of possible competions or the types that
should go where your key is now if it inside parameter list etc). 

It has slightly wonky tags support.

However you forgot to mention all the niceities. 

* Never have to use a mouse again ! Yaya
* can rebind keyboard to your hearts content (my keyboard never requires
that you have to move hand from proper place - no F keys for me :P)
* relatively small memory footprint
* GREAT editing support (made by programmers for programmers and honed over
15 years :P)
* many other modes that allow you to edit XML/SGML/ automatically
update/diff through version control software etc etc

Then again I border on religious zelot so take everything I say with a
grain of salt :P

>       Has someone else his favorite combination ? (Not meaning to
>provoke Editor/IDE/JVM war ;)

ANT + Emacs + JDE + CVS

and sometimes

Visual Age for Java



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