on 6/16/2000 12:07 PM, "Nissim Karpenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The problem is that the OID type is ambiguous in postgres.  Every table has
> a column of OID type which is the internal row identifier.  So the OID
> really is an int, but when you want to use a large object, you set the type
> of the LO column to be OID which becomes a pointer to the actual object
> data.  Then you can do setBytes or whatever in your interface to read or
> write to the object.  So he wants to leave it that the ResultSetMetaData
> returns INTEGER as the type for oid.
> They'd have to make a new pg datatype to store large objects that would
> really just be another name for OID, but that would map to VARBINARY in the
> metadata.
> I don't know if they'll want to do that either...
> -Nissim

I'm confused. But I see this as a bug in Postgres, not Village or Turbine.
Especially considering that this stuff works fine in every other database
out there.


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