On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 09:57:34AM -0400, Nissim wrote:
> What if we added a method to the DB interface, boolean
> binaryWriteNeedsTransaction() which returns true for postgresql and
> false for all the other implementations, and then the code in BasePeer
> will call a new private method to check if any of the columns in the
> updateValues criteria are binary data, based on the types in the
> databaseMap.  If any of the columns getType returned an object which
> wasn't instanceof Number, String, or Date, we'd assume it was binary
> data.
> Then  in the BasePeer.doUpdate, if the updateValues contains binary
> data, and the db.binaryWriteNeedsTransaction() we'll run the code for
> begin tran and commit tran.

Make that 'and' clause the other way around, so that the check for
binary data only occurs if bWNT() returns true. 

Also should the SQL for begin/commit transaction come out of DB as well,
or is it ANSI SQL? (darned if I know - they charge for the standard).

> If this sounds OK to you guys I'll write it and send a patch.

Cool, sounds okay to me.

Sean Legassick

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