Something else that just occurred to me with regard to this --- error reporting.
If wsdl is cached and could be located in different locations and that may even be changed by replacing some pluggable system component, when errors arise will there be a means to specifically state which WSDL participated in that error? I could see an very large deployment this could be a real pain point if wsdl not being referenced where the use *thinks* it is.

Rick wrote:
I can see in having a default location or via searching for wsdl in resources, but I'm still in favor of have the ability to give specific location control in the scdl.

Does it seem reasonable the actual location can/should be specified by url? Not on the local machine itself? Could it be generated? change in time to change an endpoint address ? If yes will a caching scheme take that into account?

I'm assuming caching will be hierarchical with each classloader on each composite having its own cache and delegating if not found to the containing composite to finally a global one. If I'm understanding correctly the aspects of this I think this is where we went wrong in M1 (global across all webapps). If this is the case I think at each level it would be nice to have a scdl parameter to block the delegating to the next level.

Generally I like the idea of making it simple by having less to specify, but not if it's at the expense of not having control when it's needed.

Jim Marino wrote:

On Aug 22, 2006, at 4:31 PM, ant elder wrote:

On 8/22/06, Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I really like the suggestion that WSDL be automatically discovered
> anywhere
> within the application directory structure.
I pretty much have the same concerns as mentioned by Raymond on this.

I'm confused by this thread, you're concerns are the same as Raymonds,
Raymond says Sebastien points out the problems, but AFAICT Sebastien likes
Yea actually I thought Sebastien liked it some I'm a bit confused too. Outside of that, I don't like when things are magically picked up on a classpath. For example, fragments caused all sorts of problems.
the auto discovery approach and I think this is how the C++ guys are going
to implemented it. What alternative approaches do you like - must use
wsdlLocation on every interface.wsdl and
I think this was Jeremy's preference. I'm not the hard line
Only auto discover in a
specific folder such as META-INF/wsdl?
I prefer a specific folder as well as potentially reinstating import.wsdl since that may be more portable.
Re-instate import.wsdl? Something
else ? I'd just like to get something going, especially while Yang is
sounding so keen to help out.


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