Basically, when it's done :-) Having said that, see below for the estimates I would make for the separate stages. If they are anywhere near accurate then I think we're looking towards the end of September (which seems like a good time just before ApacheCon).

By publish, I mean having a stable but unreleased artifact in the snapshot maven repo.

On Aug 30, 2006, at 8:23 AM, Hawkins, Joel wrote:

Jeremy, when is your target date for this next release? I hope to get
back to the OSGi binding/hosting code within the next week and I'd
really like to try and get something into the release.

... snip ...

1) Specs (sdo-api, sca-api, commonj)
   These should be stable now as the specifications have been

I think these are ready and we can publish a stable version now.

2) SCA Core (spi, core, hostutil, test, plus apis once that
refactor is done)
   Features I would like to see complete before we consider this
stable are:
      Class loading changes
      Integration of databinding framework
      Support for async callbacks
      Support for complex properties
      Transitive dependency support

I hope that we can get this wrapped and published by 9/11

3) Baseline extensions - ones we think are essential for users
   idl.wsdl                9/11
   binding.axis            9/18 (depends on Axis 1.1 release)
   binding.celtix          9/18
   binding.rmi             9/11
   databinding.axiom       9/11
   databinding.sdo         9/11 (depends on a SDO release)
   databinding.jaxb        9/11

I am assuming the axiom, sdo and jaxb databindings sync with the framework as we need something there to test it out. I don't have a good feeling for how long it will take to get the containers working.

4) Optional extensions - nice to have but which may not be ready to

5) Host distributions - host environments that each form the basis
for each bundle
   Standalone (with axis, celtix, rmi, spring)
   Web-app (with axis, celtix, rmi, json, spring, javascript)

Based on Jim's feedback I don't think we would be doing a Web-app distribution; instead there would be a web-app maven plugin to package a war with a suitably configured war inside it. See 7) for that.

6) Sample applications
   Technology sample framework (subject of another mail)
   BigBank application if ready

    7) Tools
       Web-app maven plugin   9/4

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