On Sep 13, 2006, at 2:09 AM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

+1 for the Calculator Sample

With respect to reuse, I am imagining as follows: -
- that overall there is a directory called 'sample\interface' that will contain all service interfaces (java, wsdl and so on ) that are going to
used in the samples
- that there is another directory 'sample\impl' that will contain
implementations and componentType side files (maybe both interface and impl
can reside in the same dir)

Then all samples will contain only assemblies (scdls) that will use
implementations out of this common pool.  For example if I need to
demonstrate javascript container then I add javascript implementation for the Calculator (say) into that common pool. Then in the sample I would use
the implementation that I have pushed into this pool.

Would there be hassles with this? Or I am thinking very simplistic ;-)

+1 for the calculator
+1 for sharing the interfaces and implementations

I think there will be "hassles" if you try and share a directory between Maven projects and that it will get confusing like Ant said if the samples move closer to the extensions. It would be easier to create a project with the interfaces/implementations in it and just reuse the jar in the samples. That way the samples contain the assembly and configuration stuff without all the implementation.

That may not be appropriate for all samples e.g. ones illustrating a new implementation type - you'd want to see the source for that without looking in a separate project/directory. For assembly level stuff like wiring, configuation, composition, binding it makes sense to me.


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