On 1/2/07, Adriano Crestani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We are trying to get the auto-gererated keys after the invocation of the
SQLPrepare function of ODBC API. For example, the SQLPrepare is called
an insertion statement "INSERT INTO table1 values(?, ?, ?)". The odbc must

send this statement to the DBMS, the DBMS compile it and waits for the
parameters and its execution.

However there are some DBMSs that auto-generates the primary keys and is
capable to retrieve the auto-generated PKs right after the statement
compilation and before its execution. It's exactly what we're trying to
to retrieve the auto-generated PKs before the statement execution.

I wonder if it has something to do with the IPD(Implementation Parameter
Descriptor) that I found in ODBC API: SQL_ATTR_AUTO_IPD.

Adriano Crestani

On 1/1/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Luciano Resende wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> >   I'm trying to work with Adriano Crestani in a C++ version of DAS and
> we
> > are trying to figure out how to get access to the generated keys after
> > the
> > execution of a prepared statement. Would you guys, the C++ experts, be
> > able
> > to give us some pointers/references or examples ?
> >
> Luciano,
> I'll be happy to help but I'll need a little more context :) generated
> keys? a prepared statement? hmm what about starting with an overview of
> what you're trying to do? which database? version? operating system?
> what kind of examples are you looking for?
> Thanks
> --
> Jean-Sebastien
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Hi Adriano

I have to admit that I'm not an ODBC expert but there are a couple of things
that I don't understand in your question.

We are trying to get the auto-generated keys after the invocation of the
SQLPrepare function of ODBC API.

1/ By "auto-gererated keys" do you mean
 a) Manually defined columns which auto increment or otherwise generate an
automatic key
 b) Magic DBMS columns that uniquely identify a row (and are likely to be
specific to the DBMS)

I'm assuming you are doing 1a)

2/ By "trying to get the auto-gererated keys after the invocation of the
SQLPrepare" do you mean
 a) You are trying to get at the column meta data
 b) You are trying to get at the key values

I assuming 2a) here as I don't understand why you would be trying to get the
key value before the execute. Maybe you can provide some more detail.

Given 1a) then retrieving the meta data for the column (2a) should not be
any different than with any other column. I took a quick look at ODBC API:
SQL_ATTR_AUTO_IPD and, despite the usual paucity of ODBC documentation, this
does seem to be to do with populating the IPD with column meta data
automatically. It is optional though so your driver might not support it. If
you can't get the meta data through the prepared statement then you would
have to use another approach, for example, you might have to resort to the
catalog.  Anyhow, the best I can suggest at the moment it that you try it
and see what happens.

As Jean-Sebastien suggested if you provide us with a little more info, for
example, a sample table description and some details about what you are
trying to achieve we may be able to help a little more.



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