On 2/10/07, haleh mahbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah. You add a good point that we need to think about extension documents
well :)

On 2/9/07, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2007, at 4:56 PM, haleh mahbod wrote:
> > "Extension developer would generally not work off the latest code (I
> > generally discourage people from doing this as the state of trunk may
> > be in flux). They would tend to go off a published release."
> >
> > OK.  Although it seems like all discussions are typically centered
> > around
> > the latest code on mailing list.
> > Maybe this is what we should encourage.
> When you munge everything together it can be hard to tell. Most of
> the technical discussion recently has been around changes to the
> kernel rather than extensions and so naturally relates to the latest
> kernel code. If we did have discussion around an extension, it would
> be about the latest code /of that extension/.
> --
> Jeremy
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So, from this thread, a number of things that partition our documentation.

Underlying technology: Java, C++
Project: SCA, SDO, DAS
Module(?): Kernel, Runtimes, Extensions...
Release: M1, M2, M3 (are the next releases going to be at the module level
Reader: User, Extension Developer, Developer

It seems that the Cwiki is shaping up as follows:

    User pages
        Building an app
        What extension are available
    Developer pages
        Dev env
        Module docs
FAQ - not sure why this is at this level?

It's difficult to comment on whether developer docs should be separate from
extension developer docs but if feels like it's a low priority at the
moment. We should make space to describe the separate modules that are
available both from user and developer perspectives.

Is there still going to be a full milestone release at some point where
documentation is built or are the separate modules going to advance
independently? This will flavor how we keep track of what we are writing
docs for. As we are still in incubation can we continue just to worry about
the latest code? I like the idea of using new spaces to represent
documentation for major releases but that doesn't work for finer grained
releases. We need a way of marking which details relate to which version.
Confluence themselves label pages, e.g,  (
http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Administrators+Guide), but I
don't know  how they use the labels exactly yet.

As Dan pointed out page names must be unique within a space but this doesn't
cause particular pain in our PHP site as we just prefix page names. We do
have a very small number of pages though. We also use the Left Navigation
theme. This provides a left hand menu like they have on CFX (
http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF/) as Shelita noted. Changing the theme is a
space admin task. If we want this is Ted Husted the man to talk to? Does
anyone from Tuscany have space admin privileges?


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