This seems good +1.
On Mar 22, 2007, at 10:21 AM, Raymond Feng wrote:
I think it's in line with the proposal in my response to Meeraj.
One question: For a bundle to reference a module in the Tuscany
source tree, do we really have to copy (or use svn:externals
property) if it points to a location (under trunk, tags, or
branches) in the Tuscany tree? I think a relative path for the
<module> will work.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeremy Boynes"
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:10 AM
Subject: Build structure - having cake and still eating
We know from M2 experience and the number of "profiles" in the
integration branch that a top-down, build-everything approach
does not work.
We also know from practical experience that people struggle
building modules.
I believe there is a middle ground that supports both approaches;
* have a flat module structure that allows any module to be built
on its own
using dependencies from the mvn repos
* have particular assemblies that pull modules together into
whatever bundles
people want. The assemblies can use released modules from mvn,
modules from mvn, a copy of any revision of that module, or can
trunk using svn externals
An example of this is the assembly I used for the tag for the
TSSS demo code which uses a combination of released artifacts and
known revisions.
This gives module developers their own space to work in, and
allows people consuming those modules to choose how stable the
code they want to use is (from released through to head).
Hopefully this will provide a middle ground we are all comfortable
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