On 4/19/07, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/19/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/19/07, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip/>
>     - I like the list of modules I think we should go with the module
> > from the code and link to a separate
> >       page for each one. (take a look I've made an example). We can
> > use
> > URLs such as
> >       http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TUSCANY/binding-ws to
> > refer
> > directly to the module description(*)
> I like the one wiki page with the module name per module and as well,
> do we really want all of those listed on the "Java SCA Subproject page"?
> That page seems more user oriented giving an overview of Java SCA
> capabilities, where as all the individual modules are a really deep
> implementation detail. For example how about on the "Java SCA
> page say Tuscany has a web service binding and links to a "web service"
> page
> which talks about the WS capabilities and its that "web service" page
> where
> the list of WS related modules could go: binding-ws, binding-ws-xml,
> binding-ws-axis2, binding-ws-cxf, interface-wsdl, interface-wsdl-xml,
> interface-wsdl-runtime etc. Similar thing for all the other binding,
> implementation, databinding, runtime etc.
>    ...ant
I agree that this list doesn't need to go on this page but it would be
to have a straight list somewhere so it's easy to get the low down on a
module. Perhaps in the develper guide as I had hoped that these module
will include design information.  I would expect the user docs for the
modules, i.e. what to put in the SCDL to make them work, to go in the User
Guide section. This could have a more user friendly index as  suggested

A complete list does sound useful. How about the developer guide links to
something like an architecture page which has a diagram of the runtime, a
bit of a description about it, and the complete list of modules? Eg, Similar
to [1] but the other way up and more text explaining it.



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